Dumbest Snap

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Note: Again, this is unedited. Sorry guys.


The greatest place I will ever be is somewhere far from school, a place where steaks are free, sneakers are fashion trends and jerks are non-existent. However, since the world is pretty determined to make my life a living hell, then that place ceased to exist.

Walking through the hallways, cheering myself up because this day shouldn't be worse than yesterday, I rummaged through my mess of a locker, searching for books. I'm not one of those nerds who bury their nose in the pages of their books. But I have decent grades, enough to make it out for college. Now that I have remembered, I still have 3 QUIZZES to attend to. I just hope I'll be able to survive the day.

Now you understand my mutual relationship with schooldays. 


I jumped few meters away from the voice, my heart beating rapidly against my poor chest. I was trying my best to breathe normally, holding on to my locker,  clinging for dear life. What the-who in their right minds would want to destroy someone else's eardrums?!

"Do you want to rip my ears off?!" I scowled at William, who was leaning his head into the side of my locker, with arms crossed in front of his chest. He was wearing a simple tee, dark blue jeans and a pair of sneakers, but still, this man was still able to make a lot of mouth hang open. He was trying to contain his laugh, if he needs some help, I'll gladly tear his throat off. 

"Good morning Wayce." He smirked, probably amused by his creative nickname for me. Sarcasm noted. My eyes widening when I heard him. Feeling a slight conscious at the multiple glances by the people that surround us,  I was planning for an escape route. My salutes to karma, for being such a female dog that made this happen. Ugh, why did I even do wrong? I just wanna live a full life, is that too much?

"Waaaaayyyccceee" He called again, playing the word in his lips.

I just wish there he was referring to someone else.That might be a good assumption. 

Spinning around, I started walking. But the guy is too persistent in his expense. He grab my elbow and pulled me back.  I face palmed myself, way to start the morning, eh?

"What do you want, Willy?" Well if he wants war, I'll be pleasured to give it to him, starting with the foul terms of endearment. How endearing, I must say.

With a grunt, I slam my hand into my locker, with enough force to make him stand back. I winced at the sudden noise, and rolled my eyes to the girls who glared at my direction. What? This is definitely a free country, and I need something to vent out all the negativity rising up within my body, motivated by the appearance of this loathsome creature in front of me (although I doubt someone would agree with me on that matter.).

Willy Wayce PeckerWhere stories live. Discover now