Chapter Four

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"You know it would be a lot easier for you if you just told us where they would go." Kerd stated as he walked besides Brittany. "Cladon will take care of them and keep them safe, safer then they are out here in the woods."

"I know what his protection would mean for them. They are better off on their own then they would ever be with your King." Brittany spat. "I will never help you and any chance I get, I will take it to kill every last one of you!"


"What is it?" Kerd asked as a scout ran up to join him, trying hard to catch his breath.

"I just got word from the squads that went to Osion." The man replied, taking a deep breath before he continued. "There's no signs of the children there and that they will push to catch up with us by nightfall."

"Where could they have gone..." Kerd grumbled, clenching his fist in his other paw. "If Leaon doesn't run into them, then they must be heading to Cosan."

"They will outsmart you at every turn!" Brittany mocked. "The mighty Kaskian army thwarted by children!"

"Quiet woman!" Kerd yelled as he struck Brittany over the head, sending her to the ground as she fell unconscious. "Now look at what you've done! Pick her up and put her on the back of a horse. We will not be delayed!"

"Yes sir!" Two soldiers replied as they gently picked up Brittany and sat her on a horse towards the back of the formation.

"Head back to the squad coming from Osion and tell them to head north into the woods then head towards Cosan." Kerd ordered the scout. "Make sure they know to make it to Cosan by tomorrow night!"

"Yes sir!"

"Everyone else, spread out! Keep your eyes on the woods for movement! They may be closer than we think!"

"Place the prisoner in the wagon with the supplies!" Leaon ordered. "We move out in five minutes!"

"I can't believe you let her best you!" Reshmi mocked her brother. "That's so sad!"

"Shut up Resh!" Garneth replied, his face inches away from his sister. "I underestimated her! That's all! I can still best you any day!"

"Bring it on Garn!" Reshmi replied, eyes wide and eager to test her skills against her twin.

"Enough!" Leaon yelled, pushing the siblings apart. "Garneth! Take your squad and head back to Dealay, inform Jarrant and Sali of the situation."

"Why?!" Garneth questioned, his grip on the hilt of his sword tightening as his anger and frustration began to boil. "Send Shizrin! She's useless!"

"Watch your tongue with me Garneth." Shizrin warned. "I will not hesitate to put you in your place."

"All of you! Enough!" Leaon shouted while grabbing Garneth by his collar. "I will not have you and your sister arguing the whole way! Your pride is wounded, deal with it! Do as I say and begone!"

"Fine!" Garneth yelled, pushing the General's paw off him.

"Do not say one more word Reshmi!" Leaon warned as he watched a smirk cross her face as she began to make a comment.

Leaon watched as Garneth took his squad and headed north, back to Dealay to finish their original mission, a mission the General hoped to get more details on once he reached the capital with their prisoner. The day went on with little conversation, the soldiers were tired from their battle with the Lightning Arrow and her dog, traveling for the last week with little rest. The General would gladly let his soldiers rest and recover if he could, his duty to the King forced his hand. Cladon did not care if the soldiers were tired, wounded, or sick, they had one of his most prized possessions that he thought lost for good. The King would punish them for taking too long returning his property, especially that the Anvil Warrior could be the key to Cladon's master plan.

A Kaskian Story: Leaon, the Kings GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now