Chapter Seven

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"This is your last chance to save yourself from rotting in a cell." Kerd said to Brittany as the two walked down an aisle of cages with prisoners in each of them, all of whom were taunting the Felein and his captive. "Your life doesn't have to end this way. You can still live a life with your children. Cladon doesn't want to kill them, he only wants her power. Do you have nothing to say?"

"Not to you." Brittany replied, watching as irritation showed briefly across the General's face, knowing all too well how much she has shaken Kerd to his core, the fact she almost bested him in a one on one fight. His pride was wounded more than his superficial injuries and the more she defied him, the deeper his pride was damaged. "This will not be the last time we see each other."

Frustrated, the Felein tossed her into her cell and slammed the gate behind her. "Always have six guards on her, do not get close to her either."

Kerd turned and walked away from Brittany, hoping that he would never have to see her again, knowing that he will, though. He had to find the children at all costs or be punished by the King. (Toogal.) He thought, wondering why of all places they would be heading there. Scouts had reported that the trail vanished in the desert, south of Prison city. (Their movements don't make any sense, why risk trekking through a desert?)

"Sir! We have a letter from the King!"

"Give it here." Kerd replied, grabbing the letter out of the hand of the messenger. "Leave me be."


You are to assemble three regiments from Prison City and the two from Toogal and have them reach the Capital within a month. Leave the city guards.

Do not fail me.)

"What is this?" Leaon questioned as he walked towards the camp.

"They just started arriving." Shizrin replied. "They say they were sent by the King."

"Where's the envoy?" Leaon asked as he gazed over the hundreds of wagons bearing wooden planks, stone blocks, and many other varying materials.

"I haven't seen them yet." Shizrin answered, shrugging her shoulders. "What is this for?"

"I do not know." Leaon sighed as he processed the logistics of so much material.

"Sir! We have a messenger from the King."

"Give me the letter." Leaon ordered, taking the letter from the emissary and dismissing him.


You will be receiving supplies over the next week. These will be used to make a bridge over the Dealay river. Attached are the blueprints for the bridge. I will be sending Erik with a regiment to help facilitate the process. He is to be watched closely, he will be helping with the technical side of the bridge along with any equipment needed to make the bridge.

I have also sent Pillars of Fog. Their instructions are also attached to this letter. Once activated, they will summon a fog to help keep the bridge hidden from our enemies.

You have everything you need. You have five weeks to finish, Kerd will be bringing five regiments to you by then with further instructions.

Do not fail me.)

"What's going on?" Jarrant asked as he neared Leaon and Shizrin.

"What's all this for?" Sali added.

"We're building a bridge to Premus to invade." Leaon said flatly, staring over the chaos as supplies poured into his camp. "We need to get this organized before everything gets here."

A Kaskian Story: Leaon, the Kings GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now