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Jungkook took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

' come in ' he heard a deep voice from inside.

Jungkook slowly twisted the knob and entered inside the cabin, he felt a churn inside his stomach.

There he found, Taehyung standing facing the windows of his large balcony while sipping on his cup of coffee.

Taehyung, the name alone brought chills to jungkook, someone who made him shiver.

Jungkook stood at the entrance of the cabin while looking down, chewing on his trembling lips.

Taehyung had been away for past five months for a business trip. He wanted to meet kook right after his arrival.

Taehyung turned around to look at the cute innocent looking boy, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

A slight smile curling on his lips,

He took slow steps closer to the boy as his heavy shoes clicked on to the floor.

Jungkook felt his breath hitched on to his throat, he still kept looking down as he could find his shoes nearing him until it stopped right before him.

Jungkook didn't dare to look up at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the boy for a moment before gently taking him into his embrace , " How have you been, my little brother? " He asked him in his deep voice.

Jungkook stiffened in his embrace, as he felt tears filling in his eyes.

Taehyung looked into his eyes, he could see his teary eyes.

" I missed you so much, kookie " Taehyung said with a wide smile.

Jungkook paused for a moment to take a brief glance at taehyung's face to read his expression.

" I-i m-m-missed y-you too, hyu-ng " Jungkook stuttered badly while looking down.

Taehyung hummed, "Hmm.... Of course, you need to cause we are a family, right " Taehyung said as he walked back and sat on his large office desk and criss crossed his legs.

Jungkook kept looking down while shaking.

Taehyung continued to glare down at the boy as a small smirk formed on his lips, " Do you miss mom , dad and hyungs, kookie? " He asked the boy.

Jungkook quickly shook his head no, cause he knows what would happen if he said yes.

Taehyung raised his brows waiting for a verbal response.

Jungkook found the cue and quickly blurted out, "N - no hyung, I - I don't m-miss them "

Taehyung hummed again, " Hmm... I guess your words don't match your actions , jungkookah " Taehyung said as he got off from the desk, took off his wrist watch placing it on the desk.

Jungkook trembled noticing his actions, he took a step back while his eyes teared up in fear.

"H-h-hyung... D-don't h-hurt m- me, p-please " He said, his voice shaking.

Taehyung smiled as he opened the draw, taking out a hammer from within.

" Hyung will not hurt you... Kookie " Taehyung said in a sing song voice as he walked towards the boy with the hammer in his hand, an evil smile forming on his face.

Jungkook took steps back until his back hit against the closed door.

Tears rolling down his eyes in fear, " P-p-please.... N-no.... " He cried.

Taehyung halted in his steps and laughed out loud.

" You love to disobey me... Don't you?  " He said smiling at the boy.

Jungkook quickly shook his head, " N-no hyungie..... " He stammered out in a low voice.

" Little liar.... I know every single thing you do whether I am being here with you or not " He said, his voice cheerful as he smiled widely.

" Now, quickly tell me what wrong you did earlier today? " He said giving a sweet smile.

Jungkook felt sick in his stomach ,he stayed quiet .

Taehyung looked at his watch, " I am very busy... You know that jungkookie.... I better get an answer within three seconds.... His voice dripping sweetness.


Jungkook moved to the far end of the room being all scared.


Taehyung took steps slowly near the shaking  boy. 

Jungkook crouched down close to the wall, bringing his legs close to his body as he hid himself behind his desk.

" Are we playing hide and seek, kook.... I  am loving it " Taehyung said in a playful tone, with his boxy smile.

" Oops... Three ....your time is up " Taehyung exclaimed in his loud voice.

" Looks like my patience has ran out as well " Taehyung said in a deep voice, total opposite of how he had been talking till now.

His eyes gleamed in anger, as he charged towards jungkook grabbing him by the nape of his neck .

He pressed jungkook 's  face hardly against the office desk , holding his wrist tightly against his back , "you answer my question, when I ask you nicely, do you understand? " Taehyung said angrily.

"I-i a-am s-o-r-r-y " Jungkook cried out.

" Why did you run off from school to the columbarium ?HAVE I NOT PROHIBITED YOU TO GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION? " Taehyung growled out angrily.

Jungkook just cried praying for any sort of mercy.

Taehyung placed jungkook 's other hand on the table, holding it
into position.

He turned jungkook 's face, so that he could witness his own punishment, "You will see... How I break every single bone of your knuckles? " He said while gritting his teeth.

Jungkook just saw helplessly as Taehyung raised the hammer, and brought it on to his hand with full force.

Jungkook shrieked out in pain, as Taehyung continued to hit him, blood flowing from his hand.

" Will you go meet your family... Without my permission? I am your only family.... Do you get me? " Taehyung yelled loudly .

Jungkook cried badly , he could feel his every single bone breaking.

"I am s-o-r-r-y h-hyung.... Please stop... I beg you. " He cried helplessly.

Taehyung hit him until he could no longer hear the cries of the boy,

Taehyung came back to his senses, he dropped the hammer, to see jungkook's hand badly bleeding and the boy was unconscious.

Taehyung rubbed his face in frustration, " Oh no... What have I done? .... "

He came closer to the boy waking jungkook up softly, " Wake up.... Kookie... Look at hyungie.... Come on " He shook the boy but found no response.

He carried the boy , making him lie on the couch, "Hyung loves you so much, baby. I would not have hit you if you listen to me. Please don't make me do something I regret " He said as he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Taehyung then took his mobile dialing the familiar number, " Mr hwang, I need you in my cabin with the doctor. Be quick " He said and hung up his phone.

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