What if Zelena had a daughter before coming to Storybrooke? Azkadellia West just like her mother when she was younger has anger issues. She's just as powerful as her mother. Azkadellia goes off on her own to find her soulmates. Will she accept the s...
I sit in my father's shop helping Belle organize things. I wish I could go outside Storybrooke.. I want to explore.
"Is everything alright Dellia?" Belle asked me. I sigh.
"As much as I love it here Belle.. I want to explore, I want to go out on my own. I want to find my happy ending. Snow and Charming has there's, Emma and Hook has there's. Not to mention Regina has the hots for Robin. You and my father... I just want mine." I say in frustration. Anytime I get angry or frustrated my skin starts to turn green. Every time I ask my father about this he avoids the conversation. Thinking about this frustrates me even more and my skin starts to turn green.
"Hey! Dellia calm down!" Belle says in a calming voice. I breathe in and out trying to clam down.
"Everything alright in here, dearies?" My father says as he comes from the back.
"Rumple, you need to tell her." Belle said. My father sighed and went into the safe and pulled out two velvet boxes.
"Your birth mother.. she has the exact same necklace. It helped her control her powers as she got older." he said.
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(Her necklace)
I look at the necklace in awe, it was beautiful. I gently brush my fingers over it curiously thinking about who my mother was.
"Azkadellia.. your mother is The Wicked Witch Of The West." He said. I looked at him as if he was crazy. But then again my father is Rumpelstiltskin.
"Why didn't she want me?" I question.
"Her need for revenge was wanted more than you.. I'm sorry Azkadellia." My father said. I look down at the ground with nothing but sadness in my eyes.
"I have one more thing for you." In the last box was this beautiful emerald ring.
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(Her ring)
"This ring will allow you to come and go as you please to Storybrooke as much as you'd like." Father said. I give him a thankful smile and hug him.
"Now, on to a different matter. Your happy ending." My father pulls out this globe.
"Just a drop of blood and it will tell you where your soulmate is. Whether they are here in Storybrooke or somewhere else." He said. And so I prick my finger and in two different places turn red.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"It means my dear that you have two soulmates." He said. I look at my father in shock.. two? Is that even possible?
"The closest one is Chicago... or you can go to Mystic Falls. The choice is your my dear." He said.
"What am I supposed to do when I find them? How do I even know that its them?" I say as I start to panic.
"They'll know its you. Trust me." My father said.
After I said my goodbyes I sit in my car at the town line with half the town behind me. Well the ones who like me anyways. I've decided that my first stop was Chicago. I give one last look at my father and Belle and I start to drive over the town line. This would be the start of a new life for me.. there was no going back.
~In Chicago, days later~
I was getting frustrated, I've looked all over this god forsaken place for my soulmate and no luck. I started to turn green but this time it wasn't going away. I tried my best to cover it up, I need a break. So I walk into the nearest bar. I could feel magic coming from this place. I sit down at the bar a seat away from a man with curled dirty blonde hair. Their was something about him.. something pulling me towards him.
"Your kind isn't welcome here." The older lady said to me as she walked in.
Klaus's POV:
I looked at Gloria with curiosity as she spoke to the beautiful red head. The red head that I had this pull towards.
"You need to go back to were you came from." Gloria told her.
"Look lady, you don't want to pick a fight with me. You won't win." She said with such anger. I notice the more she got angry her skin started to turn green. I look at her with even more curiosity.
"I'll take my chances." Gloria said. The red head got up and Gloria was getting ready to throw her across the bar but then she disappeared in a puff of green smoke. She then appeared behind Gloria, Gloria turned around and the red heard ripped her heart out. But what confused me was Gloria was still alive.
"I told you, you won't win. You know if I squeeze hard enough your heart will turn to dust." The red head starts to squeeze on Gloria's heart and she falls to the floor as Gloria holds her chest screaming in pain. The red heads stops squeezing her heart.
Gloria stands up and the red head shove her heart back in her chest.
"Don't test me again or next time I'll turn your heart into dust." She threatened. She turns around and when we lock eyes she froze as did I. It was her... my mate. After a thousand years I found her. And she was more than beautiful she was breathe taking.
"Its you." She said as if she knew I was her mate. I stand up and walked over to her so that now we were face to face.
"Hello, love." I say.
Azkadellia's POV:
It was him... after days of searching. I finally found him and he saw me attack someone. I look down at my chest and it was green. I start to back away and leave but I was stopped. I look over and he had a hold on my hand.
"Don't." He said.
"Klaus, don't you have no idea who this thing is." The woman said to him. I roll my eyes ignoring her. Its not the first time I've heard that.
"What are you?" He asked me.
"I-I'm Azkadellia..." I said.
"Your a witch?" He asked.
"Umm yeah, something like that." I ask.
"I'm Niklaus Mikaelson but you can call me Nik." I couldn't help but blush a bit.