Chapter Five

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Elijah's POV:

I stood in this room with a tone of herbs, potions and what seem to be spell books. I watch as my mate reads one of them, she looks so cute when she's focused. 

"What are you reading Elskan?" I ask her. 

"Well, technically Nik had a curse placed on him and I have this power called True Love. Its an ability to kiss one's true love and break curse's. I'm trying to see if it will work the same way. We kissed once before but it didn't work. So I'm wondering if it needs to be on a full moon." She said. Then her mother walks in.

"He's a hybrid correct?" She asked and I nod.

"Then yes, on a full moon the True Love ability will work. I'll do more research on this curse of his I have Regina helping me." She said. 

"Thank you mother." Azkadellia said. 

"Your welcome." She said. 

"Now, I just need to tell Nik." Azkadellia said.

"Elskan.. how do you know my brother?" I ask her.

"I have two soulmates and he's one of them. I found him in Chicago." She tells me. 

"Azkadellia, you must stay away from Niklaus. He is a dangerous man, you have no idea what he has done." I say warning her. But my words anger her as her skin turns green again. She rips herself out of my arms and pushes me away.

"No! He is nothing like that!" She yelled. 

"Az-" I try to explain but before I could she kicked me out in a puff of green smoke. I was now standing in front of The Salvatore's home. 

Azkadellia's POV:

Nothing but anger fills me, how could he say something like that about his brother? I look at my mirror to help me find Nik and I see him in a room with Elena.. but it wasn't... that must be Katherine. I focus on that room and teleport myself to him. 

Klaus's POV:

"You looked worried." Katerina said. Before I could answer in a cloud of green smoke Azkadellia appeared in the same dress and hat as before and she was still green. It seems my brother fail to help her. 

"Hello, my little witch." I say to her. 

"I hate your brother!" She hissed. 

"What has my brother done now?" I ask her.

"He tried to tell me that your the bad guy, that your dangerous!" She said. 

"Well, if I had the dagger I could solve this issue." I tell her. 

"Elijah's undaggered." Katerina asked. 

"Yes, and he's about to be daggered again for hurting my Azkadellia." I say with anger. 

"Come on love. The dagger." I ask nicely.

"Not while your in that body." She says. 

"Go get your body and then I'll give you the dagger." I sigh and agree. I couldn't say no to her.

"I figured out away to break your curse without anyone getting hurt." She said. Katerina and I look at her with curiosity and wide eyes.

"Katerina leave us for a moment." I say and she does. 

"What do you mean?" I ask her. 

"I have True Love ability and during the full moon I will be able to break your curse. My mother and Regina are doing more research on your curse to hopefully help you." My little witch tells me. I couldn't help but smile. 

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