Chapter Three

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Azkadellia's POV:

My second mate, who I now know is Elijah Mikaelson. He's one of Nik's brother, he asked me to attend a dinner party with him. Its at the Salvatore Boarding House. When I told Nik of all this he told me to play along with what ever his brother had planned. He doesn't want him knowing that I know Nik just yet. He's already caught wind of knowing that there's a doppelganger here in Mystic Falls. He's just waiting for the right moment to make his appearance. 

"I have a bad feeling about tonight." I say.

"If anything happens just teleport out of there." Zelena said. This whole time I've been calling my mother by her first name and not my mother. I look at her and I hug her and she quickly hugs back. 

"Now, is this Elijah fellow picking you up?" My mother asked.

"No I thought I'd meet him there." I say and then in a puff of green smoke I teleport in front of the Salvatore home. I surprise Elijah as I stand next to him. 

"Elskan, you look beautiful tonight." He tells me. 

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." I say. Elijah smirks and knocks on the door and lone behold Damon opens the door. He looks at me and smiles.

"Well, isn't this a lovely surprise. Dellia, great to see you again.. Elijah. Please come in." I smile and as I walk in I see someone I recognize. I ignore what Damon and Elijah are talking about and focus on the man in front of me. He looks just like Dr. Whales. I couldn't believe it. He then begins to walk up to me.

"I don't think I've ever seen you before, John Gilbert." He even sounds just like him. 

"Az-Azkadellia Gold, excuse me for a moment." I say as I pull out my phone walk into another room and quickly call my father.

Damon's POV:

I watch as Dellia runs off with her phone. Elijah and I walk over to John wondering what he said to make her run off.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Nothing, introduced myself and then she ran off." He said. I look at him and then listen in on her conversation.

Unknown: Hello, dearie. How's your adventure? Find your soulmates yet.

Azkadellia: Father... theirs someone who looks just like Dr. Whales here!

Unknown: That's impossible, Whales is at Granny's.

Azkadellia: Yeah well I just met someone who could be his identical twin!

Unknown: Dear I think Dr. Whales has a doppelganger.

Azkadellia: How? We're not from here?

Now she has my interest, it seems our new comer isn't human.. but she's not a vampire... so what is she?

Unknown: That.. I can't explain dearie but stranger things have happened. Your mother has seemed to disappeared from Storybrooke..

Azkadellia: Yeah.. she's with me. No need to worry, she's been kind to me. Why is everything alright?

Unknown: For now, stay with her.. things here have gotten a little out of hand.

Azkadellia: *sighs* Alright but call me if I need to come back.

Unknown: I will, be safe dearie.

I could hear her hang up the phone and make her way back. I pretend not to hear anything.

"Sorry about that. Umm you just reminded me of someone I know.. you look a lot like him and it spooked me." She said. 

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