What if Zelena had a daughter before coming to Storybrooke? Azkadellia West just like her mother when she was younger has anger issues. She's just as powerful as her mother. Azkadellia goes off on her own to find her soulmates. Will she accept the s...
"I'm sorry I'm late." I say as I possesses the teacher's body.
"Your not the only one who's late. We're waiting on one more person." Damon said.
"Who is this other witch you keep talking about Damon, we have Bonnie we don't need anyone else." Elena said.
"Well, I may or not have lied to get her her so. Oh word of warning don't stare at her skin." He said and just then in a puff of green smoke my little witch appears but she looked so different. She was dressed in a long black dress with fur around her and a black hat... she truly looked like The daughter of The Wicked Witch.
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(Exactly what she is wearing)
"Where's Elijah." She said.
"Mmm... I lied." Damon said.
"We need your help." He added.
"And why would I help you after what you did to me." She said.
"Damon.. what did you do?" His brother asked.
"I may or may not be the reason why she's green. I got my ass handed to me by her wicked witch of a mother." I couldn't help but smirk. Oh how true that is.
"We're off topic. How this she going to help?" Elena asked. She looked at Elena and gave a wicked smile. She walked over to Damon and shove her hand into his chest and pulled out his heart. They all watched as Damon was still alive and standing.
"What the?" Elena said.
"No witch can do that... not even me." Bonnie said.
"With one squeeze I can crush is heart into dust." She said as she begins to squeeze it.
"Stop!" Stefan shouts. She stops and puts his heart back.
"What are you?" Elena questioned.
"Oh sorry where are my manors. Azkadellia daughter of The Wicked Witch Of The West and Rumpelstiltskin." Everyone just looks at her in shock.
"What? Those are fairytale character's. They're not even real." Elena said.
"Sure they're not." My little witch said.
"Anyways, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon said.
"Klaus is here?" My little witch questioned.
"You know Klaus?" Elena questioned. Azkadellia composed herself.
"I'm a powerful witch doppelganger, I know everything." She said with confidence.
"Okay, so we find him and then what. hmm? What's our plan of attack." Elena said.
"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel." I look at her not understanding what she was talking about.
"If you can find him. I can kill him." I look at her then at my little witch who I can tell is very angry.
"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest baddest vampire around." I say.
"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he.." Damon begins to say and then he suddenly charges at the Bennett witch and she throws him across the room.
"Well, I was impressed." Stefan said.
"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me." She said. Making my little witch laugh.
"No you can't." She said. Then suddenly in her hand was the dagger and then it disappeared again.
"What did you do?!" Damon said.
"You wouldn't give me Elijah so he'll just come to me. And as for the dagger you'll never find it. Watch your backs if I were you." She said with a wicked laugh and then in a puff of green smoke she was gone.
"Great, you just had to piss her off even more Damon." Stefan said.
"How the hell was I suppose to know fairytale crap was real?!" He yelled.
"How do we get rid of her?" Elena asked.
"Bucket of water, I don't know Elena?! I don't have instruction on how to deal with fairytale character's." Damon yells again.
"Okay, what made her this angry in the first place?" Stefan asked.
"Ric daggered Elijah.. during the dinner party." Damon said.
"However heard her conversation with her father something about John being a doppelganger." He said.
"Wait, what?" Elena said.
"Yeah, my guess a fairytale whatever, some doctor name Whales. Anyways at the beginning of the call he said something about soulmates." Damon said.
"You daggered her soulmate... Damon how could you be so stupid!" Stefan said.
"How the hell was I supposed to know?!" He said then suddenly the basement door suddenly opens and then the front door. Elijah must've woken up now all hell will break loose.
Zelena's POV:
As soon as my daughter got home she locked herself in magic room as she calls it. She needs both of her soulmates.. her anger is getting out of control. Just then I hear a knock at the door, I go to open it.
"Umm, can I help you?" I ask the man who looked in bad shape.
"My name is Elijah, I believe Azkadellia lives here." I then realized this was my daughter's soulmate. I quickly clean him up and make him presentable to my daughter.
"Please, come in Elijah." I say and he walks in.
"Thank god you've come. I don't know what they've done but she needs you." I say leading him to Azkadellia.
Elijah's POV:
The woman who let me in leads me to Azkadellia, and when she opens the door. There in a long black dress with her back turned to me was my mate. But there was something different about her.
"Mother is everything alright?" She said as she turned around. When she turned around I noticed she was all green. She looked at me with wide eyes. I slowly walk up to her as she tried to back away but she has know where to go.
"I'll leave you two to talk." Her mother said.
"Elskan.. what happened?" I ask her.
"Don't." She said looking away from me.
"Azkadellia, tell me what happened... please." I ask.
"After they daggered you.. my anger and frustration got the best of me and I turned green. I couldn't get it under control and this is who I am now." She said.
"And who is that?" I ask her.
"Azkadellia West, the daughter of The Wicked Witch Of The West and Rumpelstiltskin." She said. I slowly walk closer to her and gently place my hand on her cheek. We look at each other deeply into each others eyes and suddenly her dress turns into a black leather jacket and emerald green shirt that hugged her tight with black jeans that fit her just right. Her green skin slowly faded away but there were some patches of green still.
"Don't ever leave me again." She asked me.
"You have my word Elskan. And I always keep my word." I say.