You will be fine, now (16+)

20 4 0

Tw: physical/psychological abuse, mistreatment, malnourishment, suicide thoughts, abandonment, hypothermia, amputation/mutilation, rat scratching/biting


Cold. It was so cold. Cold and wet. It was raining and the grass was wet, just as the cardboard box that was on it, and the bitty inside of the box. A small bitty, a little skeleton covered in black goop, curled up in a ball, shaking. His head hurt. How did he end up here ? Oh, right... he was thrown out of a car and hit the ground... he didn't get up, staying on the bottom of his box, he was pretty sure it was sealed with tape anyway, but even if it wasn't he really didn't have neither the energy nor the will to move and get out. So he stayed here, thinking about everything that lead him to this moment...

He was born in a shelter three years ago, a very nice place with kind staff and comfy enclosures, he wouldn't have minded staying here a bit longer, but a woman came in when he was two months old, claiming she wanted a bitty for her son's birthday, a calm one who wouldn't be too high maintenence. He had been selected, being one of the calmest bitties in the shop. He remembered being excited, pressing himself against the glass to see the woman who would take him to his new home, he couldn't wait ! Oh how he wished he hadn't been this calm in the shop... maybe he would have been saved...

The house was big, his new owners seemed to have money. He had wondered if his enclosure would be big too, bigger than the one in the shop at least, but it had merely been a hamster cage with a wheel, two bowls, and a sort of box where he could sleep inside, clearly not an appropriate enclosure for a bitty. But it was okay ! Surely it was only temporary ! They just hadn't had time to buy all the materials needed ! And the boy had seemed so happy to see him when he had come back from school, so surely he would have gotten a better cage soon ! He just had to wait... but he never got a better cage...

It was okay, the boy was nice, even though he hadn't given him a name, he still took care of him, giving him food and treats, mostly human and monster food, which he shouldn't have been eating because of how much magic and protein they contained, he should have eaten bitty food instead, but he hadn't been sick so surely it was okay. Until he threw up and couldn't get up for two days. They had to take him to a vet specialized in bitty care. They weren't happy about that. The boy had been mad. He didn't want a bitty that would be sick, he wanted a healthy one, not a weak one, but it was to late now, he couldn't return him. He had to keep him, whether he liked it or not. And he must have really disliked it, since he hadn't been so nice anymore after that...

The bitty had wondered if he had done something wrong, why wasn't his friend paying attention to him anymore ? He wanted to go out of his cage, to walk around, the wheel wasn't enough and the cage was too small to properly exercise... he was hungry too, feeding time was only once a week now, and even if it was still human food and had a lot of magic he still needed to eat more often... he felt so weak like that... and the weaker he got the more displeased his owner got, and when he was displeased he was... violent... he didn't like it when his owner got violent...

But his owner wasn't there anymore, he was alone in his wet box now, thrown out of the car, they were supposed to go on vacation, but here he was... alone and cold... not afraid, he was too tired to be afraid, and honestly ? He felt peaceful. He was probably going to die, and that was alright, and didn't want to live anymore anyway, he had stopped wanting to one year ago, and it was finally his time... he closed his eye, waiting for everything to dissappear, to fall asleep and never wake up again... he could hear the rain against the box, the weight of the water made the roof collapse and it all fell on him, but he didn't care, he was already wet, and he won't stay wet for long anyway...

He heard footsteps. Were his owners coming back ? No, of course not, why would they ? They had already made up their mind. He didn't move, waiting for the footsteps to go away and let him die in peace... he heard something touch his box, not lift it, but simply open it a little, surely to look inside. Maybe it was an animal looking for food. The bitty would have preferred a painless death, but he didn't have enough force to fight back an animal, so it didn't really matter what he wanted.

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