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Someone shook Nick awake, she had no clue what time it was but still it was not appreciated. At first she assumed it was Chuck so she rolled over in the hammock trying to hint for him to go away. 

But the shaking continued until she snapped her eyes open and looked at the person. Ben. 

“What?” She didn't try to hide her annoyance. 

Ben looked tired like he had been woken up unexpectedly but he also looked scared as if he didnt know what by. 

“Alby told me to get you.” He tumbled over his words which to a just woken up Nick made no sense, “He said something about Gally and bad dream and panic.” 

From what she could understand of the jumble of words was that Gally had woken up yelling from a bad dream that he swears are memories and is having a panic attack. It was somewhat expected considering it had happened a lot lately. 

Unfortunately for Nick she was the only one that could calm him down, something about her just made him calm down. 

“Again?” Nick huffed rubbing her hands over her face in an attempt to wake her up. 

Newt and Minho were still fast asleep, seemingly unaware of the problems Gally was having. 

Lucky them. They get to sleep.’ 

Nick followed Ben out her room and over to a stressed Alby. The usual grumpy expression had increased and it grew even worse now that he had been waking up during the middle of the night due to Gally. 

“Finally.” Alby huffed, dragging her over to the room, “He’s sat in the corner.” 

With those words he shoved her in the room shutting the door behind her. Alby did not deal with these things well and with the stress of other things he was definitely struggling. 

Surely enough Gally was in the corner of the room, his knees pulled up to his chest and his head buried between them. Nick carefully walked over to him crouching in front of him but staying a little away to not startle him. 


The one word. That one name. That's what Gally was repeating over and over again like he was trying to hold onto the information. 

“Gally it's Nick.” His head shot up. “I'm here alright?” 

Gally nodded, she could see the distress in his eyes almost as if he was seeing something that everyone else wasn't. Something that scared him more than anything in the Glade or Maze. 

“I want you to count your breathing with me.” Nick placed a hand gently over his, giving it a little squeeze, “We’ll start at one and you breathe in then for two breath out and continue. Just like we've been doing, yeah?” 

He nodded again and as she counted he did exactly what he told her, by the time she reached twenty his breathing was back to normal. Now that he was sort of okay she pulled him into a hug letting him wrap his arms around her tightly and hide his head in her shoulder. 

“Thank you.” Gally’s voice was muffled by her clothes, “Thank you for always helping me.” 

“You're my friend, I'll always be there with you.” Nick pulled away looking at him with a small, tired smile. 

But will she stick to that? 

“I woke you up again didn't i?” He asked with a frown as he looked at the dark circles under her eyes. 

“It's not my first late night.” A forced laugh came through her mouth, “Besides it's not your fault.” 

Gally looked broken in her eyes. Someone that was going through something but not telling anyone. She had no idea why she could see it. Maybe it was after Newt’s accident that she decided to start focusing on these things. 

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