Chapter 4

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            If I was a serial killer where would I go? I walk in the hallways trying to guess where my friends could be. That's when I hear a scream. I run down the hallway at breakneck speed where I tripp over Mr.Alcander with a pen in his eye. I sit up in alarm and turn my head to find the library. Where this all began. If they touched my graphic novels, serial killer or not, they're so dead! In Mr.Alcander's hand is a mop. I don't know how that's going to help, especially considering how a pen killed him but you never know. I took it from his hand about to run in, but I stop and turn around.

         "Thank you," and so I walk into the records of hell where all will be shown under the harsh light of the truth.

       As I walk in Ms.Scarlett is swearing on the floor, leaning against the wall close to the entrance. She is trying to use her socks to stop the bleeding and has her belt wrapped tightly around her stomach in hopes to apply pressure. Her clothing is torn. Cuts cover her face and burns are all over her body.

         "Ebony..." She murmurs. "Look in the librarian's office.... There should be a first aid kit..." I prop Mr.Alcander's mop against the door and run inside the library pulling draws and flinging papers that dance behind me (Whoever used to be in there wasn't very organized.) After I discover the white box in a small drawer covered by loose leaves I went back to Ms. Scarlett and help her bandage her wounds. "I thought Hesper said you where dead."

          "I was, long story." I don't have time to explain.

            "Thank you. Ebony you should run and find a way out of here." I'm surprised at how calm she is in this situation, then again she is a soldier.

           "Do you have all your memories back?" I ask.

           "Yeah, but for some reason I can't remember you. But you have to get out of here! It's like a maze in that library. Perfect for their hunting grounds."


            "Yeah, I heard from Hesper, apparently you died. Then Ms.LIlium attacked her and Twain. Hesper could defend herself because she remembered who she was after your fight at gym. Ms.Lilium made Twain remember by taking out his fake eye then...Ebony I-"

           "Don't worry I already know." She stares at me.

             "You do?"

              "Yeah, Hesper's an assasin, Twain is a serial killer with MPD, and everyone else is a bunch of military soldiers."

               "You say that so calmly, how did you-"

               "Ms.Scarlett with all do respect I think it's time for you to Log out now."


               "Right now we are inside the Black Book of Satan. She played God and created this game for us while she recorded your memories. Now if you read these letters backwards, you'll wake up." She looks at me. Trying to understand my mind, trying to wrap sense of how a person like me exists. Then she asks me the question.

              "Who are you?" I smile.

             "Isn't it obvious?" I let her stare at the paper words in my hands. "I'm the devil." And with those last words murmuring under her breath she disappears. All that was left is the memory of her eyes trying to understand my soul.

              "So, your Ebony." I spin around. His voice sounds like Twain's, his face looks like Twain's and at the same time he is Twain. But yet he isn't. His left eye reveals a wet empty patch of flesh. His clothing is sprayed with blood. Ms.Scarlett's blood, Mr. Alcander's blood. Seeing him makes my own blood boil, but first I have to get my artist back, for he is the only person who can draw for me and Hesper. Speaking of Hesper she just happens to bump into me at that moment, causing me to hit my head on the ground. This hurts a lot!

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