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"Where are we even gonna go?" I look at Emerson who's currently sitting in the driver's seat of a black Mercedes-Benz. She takes my hand in hers and squeezes it three times.

"I know a place, love."
• • •

Taylor managed to get us an early flight to said 'place'. Emerson insisted on not telling me where we were going, though. She said it was a surprise. I happen to hate surprises.

"Please? One hint!" I begged as we walked hand-in-hand through the airport. We both had hats and hoodies on, the most noticeable of our faces covered to a limit.

"You'll see when we get there." Emerson said. I groaned in response, the curiosity in me defeating the patience. "But I wanna know now!" I demanded like a baby. "Baby," She sighed. She pulled me closer, her glossy lips pressing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"You're gonna love it, okay?" I exhaled in defeat when her words calmed me. "Will it be private? Will we be safe? Will you be safe?" I murmured.

"We will be safe. My mom rented a villa just for the two of us. It's private, a beautiful view, a pool, it's a dream, Grace. You just gotta trust me on this."

"Okay. I... I trust you. I just don't want you to be in danger." She squeezed both of my hands three times, a smile blossoming on her face. "I don't want you to be in danger either, okay? Come on, we're gonna miss our flight."
• • •

I managed to sleep during the flight, my head resting on Emerson's shoulder the entire time with an earbud in my ear, the other in Em's. She quietly watched Hocus Pocus on the tiny screen in front of us even though it was mid April now. The weather was getting warmer thankfully.

She held my hand the entire time, never let go once. The fingers of her free hand occasionally ran through my hair. "I love you." She whispered. "We almost there yet?" I murmured.

I assume she didn't hear me because she just hummed, encouraging me to repeat my question. "We almost there yet?" I say, a little louder this time. "Oh, baby. Maybe six more hours left. It's a long flight, just get some sleep. There's a bed in the back, wanna go over there? I'll bring you some snacks if you just wanna watch tv." She purred softly. She removed our headphones and kissed me gently on the lips like I was fragile.

"Why so long?" I rub my eyes when I sit up completely, my hand resting lightly on Emerson's knee. "It's far away, baby. Come on, you're still sleepy." Emerson doesn't even let me reply before she takes my body in her arms. I'm cradled in bridal style, a cute but cheeky smile on her face as she takes us to the back of the private jet.

My eyes are focused on the tiny dimple on the right side of face. I lean my body forward to press a kiss on it. "I love you." I whisper into Emerson's ear. "I love you the most." I shake my head rapidly. "You could never. I love you beyond death."

Her heartbeat increased quickly and her pupils dilate. I wish I could know what she was thinking. "You think we're the 'It' couple in the afterlife? Like, if the afterlife looks like it does in Coco, do you think we love each other bone and all?" Emerson kicks the door shut with her foot and lays me on the comforters.

"You are the most interesting human being I know." I giggle. "Am I the best interesting human being you know?"

"In every universe." I smile.

"That's all I wanted to know." Her lips press on mines eagerly and I cup her face in my hands. My smile expands widely, a giggle slipping through my lips as we kiss in the sheets.

I wish we could stay here forever. In the stars. In private. Just us two, nobody else. Nobody to fear, nobody to hate. Just somebody to love forever.

When I open my eyes and her eyes shine in a way i've never seen before, my heart stops for a second, and starts again. This is perfection. Her face.

• • •


i've been so dead silent recently but im back

school started and i have no time for literally anything so this is a small filler for the time being. enjoy these cuties while you can.


thank you for 9k reads i love you all so much mwah mwah mwah

also... not edited so correct me if the grammar is bad

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