The first week

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 “Oh my god, he won’t stop following me! Four– no, Five days in a row! He won’t stop hovering around me, he’s like a damn Bot-Fly!”
I angrily texted my father, having to tap my fingers harshly against the screen for my touch to respond to the sim-card. Which I think is a little broken from how little it was reacting to me.
I made sure to keep vigilant and keep my eye out for any signs of my ex. Dayson.

“Who? The mop head?” Asked my father over my cellar line. I got the impression he was confused.
“No! My ex! Dayson! I was frustrated and I could feel my blood pressure rise.
“He keeps stalking me, Physically!”

“Babygirl, you should talk to your counselor.” He suggested

“I did!” I argued. “I told all of my friends!”

I then closed out my phone and put it away in my pocket. I was currently in the lunch line of teenagers waiting for their food. And a frustratingly long line.

I sighed and looked around, the knot in my stomach wouldn’t go away.

 I was worried and I had every right to be, this was my safety. Seriously, who in their right mind stalks their ex? Not a sane person.
My mind keeps wandering back to the friend request I've gotten over discord, That “.” user… which had an actual username under it that spells out; “You think i can’t see you looking at me.” 

After a few minutes of waiting in line. I got my food and left to go outside into the courtyard, making sure to rush and hurry before my ex could see me. He probably did, but I didn't want to think that he saw me.

I finally arrived at the walkway behind the courtyard and my roller-skate-shoes made a loud clicking sound against the concrete ground, making my friend alert, who was sitting beneath the small tree providing little shade. She turned her head around and smiled at me, waving at me with her fingers and with a smile.

“Heyy!” She greeted me and I waved at her back with a smile.
“Hey girly!” 

I walked over to her with a lunch tray in hand and sat down next to her as my bag slipped off my shoulders and onto the ground next to me, the heavy weight of my pink backpack made a thud against the ground, it carried lots of journals, a binder and my laptop. 

“Did he see you at all or try anything?” Autumn questioned and I shook my head in response.

I was shoving cheesy nachos in my face and I would use this free-time to be impolite and talk with my mouth full, making me muffle my words; “No, he didn’t. But I'm hoping he sees me, never.” 

I would continue to eat my lunch in peace and then after a few moments of silence, the birds and overlapping voices of students out in the courtyard behind us… Autumn breaks the silence with a story of her own.

“You know, my dad is going to California for the weekend to go see a dying friend.”

 Oh hell. That was the FIRST topic that came to mind? Come on girly…

“Oh yeah?” I asked, half-impressed. Right before I see movement in my corner vision. I looked down and I gasped in shock and worry.
“Fuck! There’s ants on my jacket! Shake them off!”

Autumn panicked with me and grabbed my jacket, shaking them off for me. Worst mistake, we’re never sitting in this spot again. Not only in 100 Degree weather, But also where the ants are where I last dropped my food. I then groaned in annoyance once I saw ants climbing onto my bag too. I would grab my jacket from Autumn and shake them off.
“Fuck! Shake them off my bag!”

“Okay! Okay!” She yelled back and shook them off my bag for me, once everything was clear. I made sure to check the inside of my jacket's sleeves before putting it on. 

“Come on, we aren’t sitting here anymore.” I told Autumn and she nodded. “Agreed.”
We would both walk away from the spot, and I didn't even bother to throw away my leftover energy drink and my empty tray.

I would look around and try to make a proper observation, my eyes scanning over the students who walked, the students who sat and talked and the district police officers hanging out by the courtyard and the doors to the bistro. My eyes narrowed as I made an educated guess.

“I think lunch has already ended, I see some people leaving already.” 

Autumn responded, unphased. “Eh, not yet, we still have about 5 minutes left.”

“I think people are just hiding beneath the shade beneath the door, afterall, it is hot as hell outside.” Autumn then locked arms with me and we would walk through the crowd of people, making sure we never strayed away from each other. I could feel the sweat begin to form at my forehead where the sun was shining directly on me. I would wipe my head and sigh, I was burning out here in the 103 degree weather. Not really, but I was starting to pour a bit after a certain amount of time.

We finally went inside the cafeteria doors and we both sighed with relief, finally. Some air conditioning. We then made sure to hurry to the bathrooms and I rushed over to the mirror, while Autumn went inside the stalls as usual. I would wait for her and apply some perfume and deodorant to keep myself covered. As it was refreshing, I couldn't help but feel annoyed as well. God, I sweat like a pig sometimes. Being a woman is a mortal curse. 

I then looked down and noticed the hair on my armpits growing back and I cringed. Seriously? Already? Damn it, I forgot it was shave day. 

Upon leaving the restroom a few minutes later, Autumn and I would go separate ways, my mind would go 200 miles per thought as I walked down the busy bustling hallways.

The rest of the day was a blur. I couldn’t remember most details except for lunch that day… I fell asleep after school and I would rest the night away after having to deal with all the drama that just happened within the last 6 hours of the day.
I might’ve blacked out but I wasn't too sure.

Everything felt like a really bad trip. I never used drugs, but I'd like to think of it as a shitty road trip. All I can remember is saying hi to an old coach I used to crush on and then bragging to my English 2 teacher. Harrison as we walked to the library together.

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