unfortunate changes. (Final Friday continuation)

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However, that would all change later…

After I was in 6th period, I finished logging in. Mr Scott, my geometry teacher who always likes to pick on me for fun, came up to me and handed me a yellow pass slip. I gave him a confused look, especially since this happened after a lockdown practice.

“Here, You’re being called down.”
I rolled my eyes and took the pass.
…Seriously, again?

“Fine, I'll go.” I took the pass and left the room immediately after.

I would walk down the Hallway and go to the school counselor, Mrs Cermak.

Oh god, I already knew what this was going to be about.

I stepped into her office and put down my pink backpack. I went up to her desk and Waited for her to tell me why I was down here, but she seemed pretty occupied, almost angry in body language as she rushed through her files and checked her laptop constantly… She was being… Pushy. To say the least. 

“So, can you tell me what's going on with you? Why are you absent from classes?” 

 I tried to speak.

“I don’t know why they marked me-” I was cut off.

“You don’t know why? I’m sure you know you’re supposed to be in those classes.”

I would try to explain but she left no room for me to speak freely about it.

“So Bree, what’s going on with you and biology?” 

“You already know I'm trying to get out of it.” I responded and she cut me off. Not valuing my speech.

“Hmm, oh dear. You’re not supposed to be in biology you say? What makes you think you’re not supposed to be in it?”


“You do know that you’ve failed right? You say you’re not supposed to be in it yet they say you are.”
I narrowed my eyes, growing impatient with her pestering.

“Cermak. We are still trying to work out-”

“Who’s we?” Mrs Cermak pestered and I felt my veins start to bulge from my hands in irritation.

This bitch wouldn’t even let me have a say. 

“Mrs Gardner and I. That’s who. We’ve told you before we’re still trying to change the schedule.”
Mrs Cermak then checked her laptop.

“You say you’re not supposed to be in it. Have you talked to Mrs White?”
“No? Not personally but Gardner did.” I said

“And what did she say?” 

“She said that it can’t be changed. But I still have hope, we’re working on it!-” I was once again cut off.

“You do realize both people said no, right? And it says you’re not staying for the semester, you failed for the year, so you stay for a year.”

I felt my heart drop to my stomach and my blood boil. I had shut down. She suddenly moved from her desk to talk to me from across the small table.

“So in anycase, how are you doing?-”
I then cut her off, my tone cold.

“Well, it was a pleasure talking to you, Mrs Cermack, but I got to go. See you around.”
I then got up and grabbed my bag, and the last thing i heard from her was; “Wait, hold on, Bree, where are you going?”

I left without a word and sped walking down the hallways. I could hear her keys jingling as she followed me down into the language hallway. I was desperate to find a place to hide from her, since I didn't want to talk with her, I knew she was on my tail.


I went into the girls bathroom and went to the stall right beside the last one. I set my bag down and set my phone down and curled my knees up to my chest as I sat alone on the toilet seat. I was getting text messages from Christopher, my new friend, but I didn't check them. I was over-stimulated and overwhelemed.

Nobody listens to me in this damn school prison. They want me to fail. They want to see me fall. Even my counselor didn’t acknowledge my feelings. After i recollected myself, I heard her voice echo through the bathroom, but i didn’t dare make a peep to let her know i was there.  

“Bree, are you in here?” She called out, and I didn't reply.

After a few moments I decided to leave the bathroom and just go to biology once I heard students walking down the hallways. I walked out of the bathroom and started walking to my Biology class. Before I realized she was waiting for me behind the corner of the lockers and she stopped me by gently talking to me.

As if she didn’t just shut me down when I was trying to speak up for myself.

“Hey, Bree. Are you alright?”

I looked her in the eyes before I turned my back to her.

“Yeah, I'm fine, i’ll be going to biology now.” 

She didn’t say anything else and I left without hesitation. Leaving her behind in the bustling hallways.

Nobody will ever listen to me. Friends may, but never the adults.

If there’s one thing I know, is that i’m going to have a good weekend, but a terrible start to my monday.

I will just have to see for myself.

After about a few hours of calling my mom, texting Christopher and going on call with my girly friends. I lay awake at night. Restless and and rethinking everything. 

The way I was disrespected. This was a test from God himself.

But also the way Christopher quickly opened up to me, that was a sign of some sort, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Not now, and not after my recent breakup. I still needed some time to get to know this guy after all…

After a bit of laying in bed, I slowly closed my heavy eyes and i fell asleep, and into a dream.

A restless dream that i desperately needed.

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