Chapter 4:

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A few years later and Hidan and Sireena were both 15 and jonin. You almost never saw them apart anymore. Everytime a villager saw them, they were linked arms, holding hands, or had their arms around each other. They were partners, as well. So if one of them had a mission, so did the other, and they did the mission together. They were almost ANBU black-ops. But the thing they shared most in common was their love of music. Whenever you saw them, as long as they weren't at a restraunt, they both had headphones in and were singing the lyrics to whatever song they were listening to. They voices were always in synch and created a beautiful harmony that had everyone in the hot springs village looking their way. As they grew up, they started changing their looks more. Sireena was now 5'2", meaning her usual outfit from when they were in the academy, was never going to fit right. Sireena had also gotten slot more slim and had very sexy feminine abs and muscles. Most guys drooled over her now a days. Her legs were long and smooth, and you never found a strang of hair anywhere but on her head, where it grew red and in long layers to her waist now. She cut her own hair that way so the shortest strand stopped just at the inner corner of her eye and then the layers continued getting longer along both sides. She had an rmo cut with swept bangs from both sides, so usually... As always her hair was up in a bun, but because of the way her hair was cut, whatever was shorter than chin length, it didn't make in into the bun and covered either one or both of her eyes depending on how her hair was parted. This was still teasing to Hidan, because their eyes were the same color green and he liked looking into Ena-chans eyes. Sireena now wore a color changing wrap top that just went to her waist to show off her love-handles... Which she truly didn't appreciate, but she doesn't truly like dresses or skirts anymore. The wrap top had a spaghetti strap on the left side and a long flowy sleeve on her right arm. Across her now very large chest still said BVB, but in blood red writing and a sliced in font. Sireena also now wore camoflauge skinny jeans that rose low to her waist, meaning they only went over her butt crack, because her butt is also HUGE for her body. To keep the pants from moving off her hips, she pulled the jeans up so they just went over her waist and put a white bullet belt on. And because ninja shoes were uncomfortable and she surely wouldn't fight anyone in heels, she always wore matching camoflauge combat boots to her ankles. On her right arm were several never-take-it-off bracelets with things she would never even tell Hidan she had promised about. Never lie. Never believe in negativity. Never let a man control you. Never forget. Never be weak. And Never stop loving Hidan. On her left wrist was a charm bracelet he had gotten her for her thirteenth birthday that she also has never taken off. It was a silver pandora bracelet with screw-on beads. One of them said I<3U on it in big red writing. Sireena never could take it off. It made her wrist feel heavy with guilt. Same with the never take it off bracelets. Sireena also never wore a ninja pouch on her hip or thigh. She always carried a black leather mini-pack her mother had given her for her 12 birthday. She didn't wear make-up either. Hidan wasn't too fond of her face being covered by weird colors and powders and creams she didn't need.
Hidan had changed a lot as well. He was always growing. He was now 5' 9" which was always Hilarious to him considering Sireena was so short. But if she was tall, she wouldn't be Sireena. Hidan's brown hair was always cut by Sireena. He liked the way she did it. It was layered to his shoulders in a bit of an emo cut same as hers. So sometimes he covered his right eye, sometimes his left. He was no longer a lanky and skinny boy. He was growing a lot of muscle from all the training and workouts he and Sireena had been doing. They were the strongest team in all of hot springs village. He was a big boy! Sireena's hand was only just bigger than his palm. It was funny when they held hands. Hidan's hands were always engulfing Sireena's, depending on how they were holding their hands. Hidan's new muscle build made it a bit more difficult for him to wear shirts without getting irritated, so if did wear a shirt, Sireena would have to make it for him. If not, he was wearing a vest that showed off a lot of his muscles and abs and arms. Sadly, it made Hidan highly uncomfortable. Sireena, on the other hand found herself always looking at Hidan. Hidan always wore matching clothes to Sireena's... So he always wore camoflauge BVB pants with a black bullet belt and camo combat boots. His never take it off bracelets had slightly different promises than Sireena. Never lie. Never loose faith. Never fail. Never let Sireena down. And Never stop loving Sireena. Sireena had gotten Hidan dog tags with Romanian writings on them for his 13 birthday. He has no idea what they mean, but Sireena promised to tell him when the time was right. Hidan wasn't one to use simple normal weapons, and he wasn't very fond of using chakra and justsus unless the time truly called for it. Sireena had gotten him a scythe for his 12 birthday. He wore it on his back faithfully everywhere... Except when it was him and Sireena time. Then they both calmed down the hard-core music and loudness and dressing like they were a part of an arsenal... Sireena would even put on a dress.
Currently, Hidan and Sireena are having one of those special moments. They are up on the top of the main hot springs mountain. The tallest in the village. It was nighttime, and they were eating their dinner together under the stars. They had a long mission for a few days and only just got back the day before. They needed a break from everything, so they decided to go up and camp out on the mountain. Hidan was wearing one of the shirts Sireena had made him. It was a starry blue button up that he kept the sleeves rolled up and a pair of plain white jeans. He was laying so he was propped up on his elbow and smiling down at Sireena whom was laying on his stomach. His hair was slicked back and out of his face. Sireena wore a simple white Kimono to just her mid thigh with long flowy sleeves and a scoop-neck that covered her large chest effectively. Her hair was down so it swept across her body, but pinned away from her face so not to adjetate Hidan. She layed perpendicular to Hidan on his stomach, smiling up at him. Both were barefoot at the moment. They considered this time together at nights their centering hours. When nobody but them and the forest was around and they could be not only close to nature, but eachother and build their partnership. They were partners for now and ever, even if they weren't in a relationship with the other. Sireena and Hidan never got to telling each other how they feel... So both assume that there is no spark, and they truly are just friends. For this reason, Hidan has been seeing someone else and will have to make a tough decision by the next morning.
The two fed each other as they watched the stars and talked about random subjects and songs and love as Sireena rubbed Hidan's stomach and he laid his overgrown hand along her collarbone. Sireena's hands always were able to make Hidan feel better... She was able to give herself a sense of peace when she rubbed his stomach while Hidan was givin the happiness of connecting with her and feeling butterflies run wild in his tummy. Sireena enjoyed Hidan's hands being so large. It was like enveloping her in that awkward love that she though only existed in her mind. It gave her some kind of benefit of doubt that kept her sane. Hidan liked laying his hand at her collarbone because he could feel her heartbeat... Hidan watched the stars as he listened to their breathing. He knew he had to tell Sireena... And he knew that it would crush her entirely because of what he had to say... But he had to say it and stop chasing around a girl for his entire life. A girl that may never be interested in relationships, even with him. Lots of good looking guys ask Sireena out all the time, and she always says no, because she doesn't date. Hidan never understood. And he never would.
"Hey Sireena, I have to tell you something." Hidan said, closing his eyes and praying she wouldn't be mad. "Then say it, Hidan. You know you can tell me anything." she said simply. But his tone made Sireena secretly stop breathing for a moment. Hidan sighed and pulled both of them up. In confusion, Sireena st up and faced Hidan as he rubbe his face and sighed in uncomfort. "Look... I know that we are not only partners, but best friends... And I know that we spend all of our time together, but it has to pull back a little..." Hidan said slowly, gethering his words so as not to offend Sireena. She was lost and began to panick. "Whats wrong, Hidan?" she asked. Hidan looked at Sireena and savored the happy glow in her eyes before he knew they'd be gone forever. "Im trying to tell you that I'm dating someone... And she's becoming a big part of my life right now... And I think that I should be spending time with her equally with you." Hidan said. And as soon as he had said he was dating someone, Sireena's entire face fell. She was destroyed. Hidan was all she vet looked foreward to, the only person she's ever wanted or had... She didn't understand. Maybe it was her being to clingy, or the other girl had something that she didn't, but Sireena wasn't going to hold this over Hidan... She was glad he was being a good guy and telling her the truth and trying to be happy... Even if it was with another girl.
"Oh..." Sireena said, gulping. Hidan watched as Sireena bit her lip in stress and groaned. "Please don't be upset! I just, I didn't know how to tell you! This had nothing to with you, it's just that I have to make more room in my life for Enga." Hidan said quickly, holding Sireena's face. She looked down. "No, it's alright. I understand. You're just... Trying to start a new life and be happy. I get it. I'm happy for you... Thanks so much for telling me the truth." Sireena said, pulling the Bobby pins from her hair and letting it fall in her face. Hidan was shocked. Maybe she didn't care as much as he did... Maybe it was for the best. "You aren't mad?" he asked. Sireena fake smiled a bit. "A little upset, of course... But it's only fair. You're dating a girl named Enga. That's great! I'm happy for you! You should definately spend more time with her. I mean, wouldn't want her thinking we were together, right?" Sireena said, more to convince herself than Hidan. Hidan looked at the ground sadly ad his own heart shattered. "Thanks. It means a lot..." He said. Sireena nodded, sniffing a bit. Hidan gave Sireena his jacket like usual and they bothe curled up into fetal positions and laid so they could stare at the stars. Hidan's stomach started hurting more as his heart hurt more. He sighed and grabbed. Sireena hesitated, but moved his hand and began rubbing his stomach again. "Thanks." Hidan said. She nodded. Hidan watched a few stars fly by, thinking. "Sireena... What do you think love is like?" Hidan asked suddenly. Sireena paused, shocked by the question but then continued as her head began to throb from the pain in heart. "I think that love is more than an emotion you develop. It's something you are born with... Love is when you can feel at peace and content with a person no matter what. You'd stick by their side through the fights and hard times, and sickness and shitty ass attitudes and never stop wanting to be around them. It's when your heart hurts for no reason when they are away or tell you something that shouldn't bother you as much as it really does. Love is special..." Sireena said quietly. Hidan blinked and watched a star turn purple before it flew by. "Its like a star that only gets hotter before it falls. That sinking in your chest that makes you cry when they get even a papercut... When you feel like the simplest thing, could damn near break your heart." Hidan mumbled. Sireena looked up at Jidan and he looked at her. "Do you feel that way about Egna?" Sireena asked quietly. Hidan shrugged. "Lets just enjoy this time..." Hidan mumbled. By morningfall, they were still staring at the sky, unable to sleep.
Sireena sighed and sat up when the sun rose. "I guess... I'll just go home now..." she said slowly, feeling dead and in pain. Hidan shot up. "Ill walk you." he said, standing and walking foreward a bit. "Wait, no! I-I can walk myself... I have to get use to it, right?" Sireena said stoitically. Hidan's face fell. "Oh... Yeah, I guess..." he said. Sireena stood and crossed her arms over her chest, holding herself together. She gave a weak smile and began walking up to Hidan. "Ill see you on our next mission." she said. Hidan nodded and they stood for a moment awkwardly. They didn't know what to do. It use to be hug and a kiss on the cheek, but now they were lost. Sireena sighed and placed her hand on Hidan's shoulder. "See you." She said. Hidan started watching her go before biting his lip. "Wait... I want you to meet Egna. Can you meet us at noon... Tomorrow at the coffe shop?" Hidan asked desperately. Sireena paused and held back some tears. "Thats our spot..." she whispered. Hidan cokes her head to the side. Sireena nodded, but didn't look back at Hidan. "Yeah. That's the perfect place to take her, if you really care about her. I'll um... I'll see you there." Sireena said, before using her innate hidden jutsu to transport herself home.

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