Chapter 6:

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The next day, Sireena was getting ready to meet Hidan and his girlfriend at the diner. She and her mother had a shopping day yesterday. They suspected it was time for a change in look for her, so as not to be compared to Hidan. Sireena now wears a neon green sag top that's sleeves are in the middle of her biceps to make a clean cut across her chest, it has three skull buttons in the center along her boobs, and it stops well above her bellybutton. There are three buttons up the side from the hem line where a slit was put in till her bra band. She put grey spandex shorts on underneath a black ruffle skirt that flared like a tutu. One pants leg stopped mid-calf and one stopped just above her knee, where a brace was placed. She got new combat boots that were black with skulls up the sides. Her bracelets weren't going anywhere, nomatter how badly she wished she could tear them off and burn them. All seven colors of the rainbow. She got a mood-choker, though. It was plain color changing velvet with a poison sakura flower in the center. She even went so far as to get a haircut. She dyed the tips of her red hair black and cut it till her mid-back and had it all hanging to one side over her right eye in choppy layers. Whatever wouldn't stay flipped over got cut pixie-short. Sireena wasn't worried about it. Her hair grew scarilly fast. She cut it from her knees every two weeks. She felt her new look made her look great. Especially with her new peircings and tattoos. She had a BVB bar put in for her industrial. It was a silver bar with A black diamond BVB sign hanging off it. Her snake bites were white forever loops that she had taken joy in spinning around and pulling on. Her first of two tattoos was on her neck. It was a banner over a sword that said "FORGIVE". The other was a tattoo on her love-handle of a burning black rose. Hidan use to give her roses he picked from the spring mountain everyday and tell her nothing would tear them apart. She had hundreds of thousands of roses from Hidan around her room, and she wasn't getting rid of them. Nomatter how bad it hurt. He gave her red roses all the time to represent when her birthday and name was. Her name ment love in Romanian, her birthday was valentines day and her entire life, she had a "dream love" body. Therefore, red roses was all Hidan ever gave her. Sireena even put on makeup. She was wearing obsidian eyeshadow with blood red lipstick, heavy Khol liner and her peircings were freshly shined and cleaned. Her mom brought her new weapons to strap on her body, as well, but because she was meeting Hidans girlfriend and didn't want to seem like she was trying to purposely scare her off, she wouldn't wear them. Sireena was currently walking down the street to get to the diner, secretly hyperventillating. She didn't like this. Not one bit.
Hidan and Egna were already in the diner, waiting on Sireena. "Im telling you, Ena-chan will come. She would never let me down." Hidan assured Egna, who was intent on leaving before noon. "I don't know... I doubt Sireena-chan will like me. I am kind of stealing her best friend, if you say you're that close." Egna said shyly. She wasn't a ninja. She was a normal girl who worked at a flower shop her family owned in the village. "She will. I promise. She knows that it's my happiness and my life, so even if she didn't like you; she needs a ligitimate reason. Otherwise, she wouldn't even say anything." Hidan assured her. Egna nodded slowly. "Im so glad you're finally telling her about us... This has been going on a while now and- oh..." Egna said, pausing as she saw a girl stopped outside the window. "Is THAT Sireena?" Egna asked. Hidan looked out the window and his jaw dropped to the floor; quiet literally too. Sireena looked amazing and different. He couldn't help but wonder how she had changed so fast. She was talking with a guy across the street at the village tattoo shop. He had raven hair and pale skin, but that's all Hidan could see. He handed Sireena a small box and a single white rose. Her whole face lit up as she smiled at the guy and sniffed the flower. They hugged and then Sireena walked over tithe diner, staring softly at the flower between her thumb, index and middle fingers. Hidan's heart began to poun as his hand clenched the end of the table. "What was that all about?" he grumbled, glaring half heartedly at the table. Egna shrugged. "I don't know. Are you alright? You seem a bit shaken and upset?" Egna asked. Hidan only nodded and stood as Sireena appeared at the table. Egna followed suit. Sireena smiled at them both. "Well hi. I'm not late am I?" she asked. "Nope, you're a minute early. Uh, Sireena; this is Egna Ekinoro, my girlfriend. And Egna, this is Sireena Hale; my best friend." Hidan introduced the two girls. They smiled and shook eachothers hands. "Hi, so nice to finally meet Hidan's best friend." Egna said softly. Sireena already didn't like this girl. Her voice alone was annoying. "Nice to meet you, though I only heard about you yesterday." Sireena said. Egna began to gasp rapidly. "Ow, ow ow!!" she exclaimed. Hidan pulled Their hands apart as he realized Sireena was unknowingly crushing Egna's hand. Sireena blinked and came back to reality. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I thought you were familiar with the custom! Are you not from the hot springs village?" Sireena quickly said to cover her back. Hidan raised a brow. "No... I moved here two years ago with my brother... What's the custom?" Egna asked, sniffing as Hidan rubbed the bones in her hand. Sireena's eye twitched. "Well, everyone in this village has a certain strength and resiliency no other village in the fire nation owns. All native-borns have it and so, when two people here shake hands, to test out the others strength, you squeeze their hand until they squeal or you break their hand." Sireena explained. Hidan paused. "I got so use to hugging you, I forgot that custom..." he said. Sireenashrugged and sniffed her rose again. How nice of Inagami to bring her one. Especially in white. Hidan gave Ena a once over. "You look... Different. What have you been up to? You got peircings... And a haircut... And tattoos?! And are you wearing makeup?" hidan exclaimed. Sireena raised a brow. "I changed outfits. I wanted something fresh, like a new beginning, so I went out with my mom yesterday. Inagami at the tattoo parlour did my peircings and tattoos yesterday... And yes, I did cut my hair and I am wearing makeup. It's a change." Sireena said slightly defensively. "Why don't we all just sit down and get ready to order?" Egna suggested. They each sat at the booth. Hidan and Ena at one end and Sireena at the other. The waitress immediately came over. "Well hello Hidan-Sama! Hi, little Ena-chan! How are you today?! Eating here again?!" Nikimo said cheerily. She always served them. They grew up around her. She was a great teacher at the academy once, but she got an injury that put her out of the ninja job.
"Yes, but today we have and extra party." Hidan said, guesturing to Egna. Nikimo looked over and saw the blonde haired and blue eyed board girl. Nikimo takedown and glanced between her and Sireena. "This true?" she asked Sireena. She nodded. "Yeah. This is Hidan's girlfriend Egna Ekinoro, Nikimo. Egna, this is Mrs. Nikimo, one of our old academy teachers." Sireena said, staring solemnly at her white rose. Mrs nikimo raised a brow at Hidan and looked back glanced at Sireena. "What will you all have to drink?" she asked, checking Sireena's new look. "Mountain dew." Hidan said. "Ew! That stuff is so bad for you, sweety! I'll help you get off that train, but I'll have a green tea." Egna said, giggling annoyingly. Sireena looked up at her in disbelief and clicked her tongue. "Okay... Give me a bloody riot... I may need it." Sireena said quietly. Mrs. Nikimo nodded. "See me this afternoon to talk sweety. He'll, I may need one by then." She said. Sireena nodded as Egna began whispering and giggling in Hidans ear about the harmful effects of soda, causing hidan to listen nervously. "You know what? I'll keep an eye out to bring you fresh rounds when you run out." Nikimo said, patting Sireena's shoulder. Sireena nodded. "So, what's a bloody riot?" Egna asked. Sireena blinked. "Its an alcoholic drink that Mrs. Nikimo created that only Hidan and I have ever been able to drink besides her." Sireena said, eyeing the close proximity of egna and Hidan. "Why is that?" Egna giggled. "Because it's not a normal drink..." Hidan mumbled. Egna rose a brow. Sireena sighed. "The drink was created by accident. It has everyone alcoholic item you can find at a bar mixed into it, some volcanoe rose extract and halepeno juice in it. It's such a heavy-hitter, it has been proven to destroy intestines with one sip. Hidan and I are the only two other people unaffected by the drink, which is why it's called a bloody riot. And it comes in a small fishbowl like glass and smokes. It's not something to play with." Sireena warned. Egna gulped. "Melts intestines? How can you drink it?" she asked Hidan and Sireena. They shrugged. "I grew up with an alcoholic father who use to let me drink from his cups when I was 8." Sireena said. Hidan blinked. "I just have extremely resilient muscles." Hudan Said. Egna watched them both fór a minutě when Nikimo came out and handed out drinks. "Thanks." Sireena said, sipping her drink through a straw. "I put extra rose extract in it to take your mind off some. Don't fret, sweety. Sireena smiled and blew out a heavy breath of volcanic air. The air crackled and swirled around itself, turning orange and lighting the sparks from the volcanic soot. Egna gasped as Hidan and Sireena chuckled. "Mmhhmm... Extra special." Nikimo chuckled before pulling out a notepad. "Will you two have your usual?" she asked. Hidan and Sireena nodded. Nikimo wrote it on the notepad and looked sourly at Egna. "What will you have, baby?" she asked. Egna smiled. "Oh, just a chicken salad please. Small one?" Egna said perkilly. Sireena looked at her disbelievingly and sipped her drink. "You aren't going to eat?" she asked. Hidan looked nervous. She was one of those self conscious girls Sireena hated. "Im not really hungry, I'll just have a salad." Egna said quickly. Nikimo raised a brow and huffed, not even bothering to write it on the notepad. "Ill be back... Don't kill her, Sireena. If you sneeze, she may desintegrate." Nikimo said, fist bumping Sireena as they chuckled. Hidan frowned as Nikimo walked away. "What? It was funny!" Sireena said with a playful smile. "That was rude, Sireena. Please apologize to Egna." he said. Sireena sighed and composed myself. "You know what, you're right, Hidan. That was rude of me to encourage Nikimo's comment. I'm sorry, Egna. I hope I didn't offend you." Sireena said, trying not to laugh as she lied through her teeth.
Egna shook her head. "Oh, it's alright Sireena. But could you tell me exactly what the funny part of the joke was?" Egna said, giggling obnoxiously. Sireena blinked and cleared her throat, glancing between her and Hidan. "W-Well you see... Since Nikimo's known Hidan and I, she's seen both of us grow and make slot of promises to each other and ourselves... And well, with... Everything that Hidan promised... you... You're kind of the opposite of that..." Sireena said slowly, sipping more of her drink. Hidan slightly glared at Sireena. He didn't want to be reminded of that simple fact... And Egna was just plain confused. "What exactly do you mean?" She asked. Sireena busied herself with drinking her bloody riot until Hidan pulled he drink away from her. A few drops hit the table and melted straight through. Egna gasped and jumped back as Sireena gulped. "Uh-ummmmmm.... Well, you see... Hudan and I grew up with the intent to defend others... To never be weak and... Never worry about image... Therefore, whoever we ended up with was to meet the same... Expectations... And then I see you..." Sireena gulped and chuckled nervously. She put her head down, feeling self-conscious as Hidan stared her down in confusion. "Youre just so soft and pretty and absorbed in a perfect world. It's like you have no faults or brauniness to you. Everyone always thought Hidan would end up with another ninja from the village. Like one of the Sifling sisters... You aren't very much what I or anyone else in the village would expect to see on Hidan's arm, is all... I truly am sorry if you are offended. You're Hidan's girlfriend, and as his best friend, I should respect his wishes. If you are who he's fallen for, I wish you the best." Sureena said quietly. Hidan was shocked by her timid words and calm response. Sireena was always excited and hyper and happy... Now... She was just calm. Maybe even a bit sad. "Why thank you, Sireena... You know, maybe I'm not exactly what was expected... But I try to mak him happy. I mean, as two of the women in his life, that is our job." Egna giggled. Sireena nodded. "Right. But as a good best friend, what with me being his ONLY female friend... I am going to step off a little bit and let you take over. Hidan is your man, and I respect that. You need to spend time together... And you need to make your relationship known. I'll stay out of your hair." Sireena said, sipping more of her drink, hoping to get drunk by the end of the night. Hidan and Egna looked at each other in suprise. "Um... Wow really, Sireena?" Hidan asked. She nodded, still sipping her drink. Nikimo came over and refilled her drink as she placed the plates on the table. "There you all go. Sireena, you want a fishbowl? I'm sure it'll be wort while..." Nikimo sang, having heard everything Sireena said and knowing the truth about her feelings towards Hidan. Sireena smirked. "Nikimo! You're setting me up, aren't you?! But I have to accept." Sireena said with a wink. Nikimo winked back and was off to get her fishbowl.

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