Chapter 24 - Something Unexpected

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June 22, 2010


When Dylan arrived at school at 6:30 AM, he was not expecting anything other than another normal day—well, by normal, that meant trying to hide from Mrs. Go and trying not to crack under the pressure of acting normal, whatever that meant.

So here he was, now walking through the halls of SMCS. Earlier, EJ had sent him a text saying he went to school early because of an emergency. The message made Dylan nervous; what if the emergency was them getting outed by Mrs. Go?

"Got a minute?"

Dylan whipped around and saw Theodore.

"Uh—yeah," he replied.

"Come and follow me to the computer lab. There's something you need to see."

Something about Theodore's words made Dylan's skin he was about to walk into something that would change the trajectory of his entire life. Well, that was a stretch and an overreaction, but still...

He followed Theodore to the computer lab just a few rooms away. The halls leading to it smelled overpoweringly of floral air freshener, making his nose itch and feel like he was about to sneeze.

"Here we are," Theodore said, stopping in front of the door marked Computer Laboratory A. "Let's go, we don't have much time."

Opening the door, the cool air inside the laboratory greeted Dylan. When he entered the room, he saw some of EJ's old friends sitting in front of a computer. He then saw EJ sitting in the corner, looking extremely miserable and anxious, he was biting his fingernails to the quick. He walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

EJ couldn't answer, his lips were chapped, the corners turned down into a frown.

"There's a post on the SMCS Secret Page in Friendsphere," Ken said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his upturned nose.

"SMCS Secret Page?" Dylan echoed, not really understanding. "What's that?"

Steven sighed, standing up from his seat and walking over to Dylan. "It's a secret Friendsphere page for students here. It's where people post their complaints about their teachers or random gossip around the campus." He took a deep breath. "I'm one of the admins there, and well...someone posted something..." Steven paused, glancing at both EJ and Dylan. "It's a blurred photo of two boys holding hands at the Harbor View Mall."

Dylan's mouth went dry. There was only one possible answer to that rumor: him and EJ.

"We're going to get in trouble once this gets out," EJ finally spoke, taking Dylan's hand and giving it a firm squeeze.

Dylan wished he knew how to comfort EJ in this time of uncertainty, but he couldn't seem to form a single word.

"Look, I already took down the post when EJ told me about it..." Steven trailed off, looking at the intertwined hands of Dylan and EJ before smiling but stopped himself from doing so because gushing over two cute boys holding hands won't solve the issue at hand. "But that's the best I can do. I don't know if some students already took screenshots of it—hopefully they hadn't, but who knows."

Theodore pulled up a chair from the other side of the room and sat down, looking at Dylan and EJ in turn. "We'll help you any way we can, but we need to know if this is the truth...if you two know...together. That way, we can help in trying to protect the two of you."

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