Holding On to Hope

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I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous sometimes—wondering why he couldn't just stop talking to everyone else and focus on us. But that was his nature, and I had to accept it. Even though I couldn't talk to him as often as I wanted, the little moments we shared were enough to keep me going.

One day, he messaged me saying he was going to join a college. I replied cheerfully, "That's great! Study well, because in the future, we'll need to support each other." Despite my feelings, I knew we were both looking ahead, trying to build a future where we could be together.

I waited for his reply, thinking he must be busy. "He'll respond tomorrow," I told myself. But a day passed, then two days, three days, a week... and still, there was nothing. A month went by with no response from him. I kept checking my friends phone, hoping for a message that never came. I didn't have any other way to reach him. I felt stranded in silence, my heart heavy with questions I couldn't answer.

My friends started asking me about him, but I had no answers to give. Deep down, though, I held onto one thing—I believed he would come back. He must be somewhere, caught up in something that's keeping him from reaching me. Despite the silence, my hope for him never faded. It remained steady, like a quiet flame that refused to go out, no matter how long the wait.

In the meantime, I got a new phone and decided to reach out to one of his friends. I asked him, "Do you know where In-su is?" He replied, "In-su joined a college and is staying in a hostel, but phones aren't allowed there."

Finally, I understood why he hadn't been able to contact me. It must have been hard for him, too. I asked his friend, "If he comes home for the holidays, please don't forget to tell him I'm waiting for him. Here's my new number—he can call me whenever he gets the chance."

I reassured my friends, explaining that In-su was in a hostel with strict rules that didn't allow phones. That's why he hadn't responded to my messages. Despite everything, I continued to wait for the day I'd hear from him again.

One evening after college, a friend approached me and asked, "Aura, what if In-su cheated on you and left without a word? He's in college now; he can meet so many girls. Why are you still trusting him?"

Hearing those words, my heart broke. A sharp pain shot through me—the kind of pain only love can bring. Doubt and hurt mixed in my chest, and I felt like I could burst into tears. But I couldn't let myself cry. I had to hold it together, even as my mind raced with questions I never wanted to consider.

I believed in him.

My heart told me he wouldn't leave me like that, not without a word....

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