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Whilst Nick and Newt went off to get Chuck, Alby had brought the Greenie to the top of the water tower explaining the rules of the Glade. 

One, do you part. No time for slackers. 

Two, never hurt another Glader. 

Three, never go beyond the walls. 

Lastly, four, don't touch Nick unless you want to get injured. 

Nick didn't know about this rule but Alby had made it up after a Greenie messed up and she almost broke his nose. 

“Is that because she’s the only girl?” Greenie asked. 

“That's because she will hurt you herself.” Alby explained with a smirk, “She might be the only girl here but everyone respects her. You'll see why soon enough.” 

“Hey Alby!” Chuck called out, cutting their conversation short. 

The young boy waved up to them with a large bag on the floor next to him with everything for the Greenie. 

“Hey Chuck, where you been man?” Alby called back. 

Nick watched them from afar as Chuck led him over to where the other hammocks were and started setting one up for the Greenie right next to his. She was standing near Gally and his builders although Gally wasn't working he was next to her. 

“I don't trust him.” Gally spoke up. 

“Me either. Something just seems.. wrong about him.” Nick agreed. 

“As soon as he starts trouble I'll be there to stop him.” 

She hummed in agreement but was mainly watching the Greenie walk over to walls with Chuck chasing after him. If the Greenie didn't stop soon then she was going to go over there and drag him back into the slammer. 

Minho and Ben ran through the doors, finally finished with their run as they ran past the two boys Ben said something to Chuck. Most likely about him no longer being a Greenie anymore. 

“Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.” Nick muttered before running over to Minho. 

“Hey She-bean.” Minho stopped letting Ben carry on, “Just saw the new Greenie. Ugly shank he is.” 

“Yeah.” She waved, dismissing the subject, “Anything different in the Maze?” 

A sad look crossed his face, “No. The same as usual.” He lowered his voice. “I don't think we’re getting out of here.” 

“We will. One day. Even if I have to dig our way out.” 

Minho smiled and patted her on the back before running off in the same direction as Ben. 

Nick looked over at the walls again and immediately started running when Gally shoved the Greenie out the way so he went flying backwards. 

‘Of course he would do something stupid.’ 

A few of the other boys including Newt and Alby saw because they came running over as well. 

The Greenie had gotten a lot closer than the last time she saw them but Gally had obviously stopped that in probably the worst way possible. He scrambled away from him and then up to his feet. 

“Calm, calm, calm.” Gally repeated trying to calm him down. 

“Don't touch me!” 

“Woah, take it easy. Take it easy. Just relax.” He continued. 

Nick was the first to reach them as the Greenie turned around looking at them. 

“What the hell is wrong with you guys?” The panic in his voice was evident. 

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