6. Hate!

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(inside the plane)

I was confused. Totally confused. Believing Vaish mumma is still alive is feeling difficult. Though I am the happiest after knowing that my Vaish Mumma is alive, how can it be true? I mean me myself alongside Varun searched for our mumma. But the information about our mission to find Vaish mumma said she was dead. How can someone fool ME like this? Arghhhh. My head is gonna burst now.

"Kya hua bhaiya?" Varun asked out of nowhere.

"Kuch nahi." I said with staring at nothing particularly.

"C'mon bhaiya, you, I mean the great ABHIRAM VERMA, who is known very well for hiding his emotions is now looking tensed. Say what happened?" did he just mocked me. Anyways. Who cares.

"Nothing Varun. We, us both ourselves searched for Vaish Mumma together, but still all we got was the news of her being dead already. But how is this even possible." I said massaging my temple.

"Yes bhaiya, even I had the same question about this. Do you think dad did something so that we cannot find out anything about Vaishu ma? Its not like I'm doubting dad. But yeah. Please say me what you think about this." he asked.

"No Varun. Infact I made sure that he doesn't know anything about us finding out something about mumma." I said.

"Oh ok. But what went wrong in our searching process." he asked.

"Even I am not sure about it. But for now leave it." I said. "And Suhas had said that he would send us Vaish mumma's complete family pic. What about it?" I asked as I remembered him saying that.

"He said that it is already been stored in a pendrive. Its in the file itself. I'll check it." he said and took out the pendrive from the file and connected it to laptop. After few seconds, he opened the image and all I could see was his expressions which changed suddenly from excitement to the shocked one. His eyes for wider and wider. Sweat beads started forming on his forehead. I soon took the laptop from him and looked at the picture.

I first saw my Vaish Mumma. She was looking like a goddess in the picture. Ofc she is. I then looked at Raj uncle who was looking like a bodyguard to his family. I then looked at the 2 other girls. Their daughters maybe. But wait.

This girl. Is it her.

I clenched my jaw just by the mere thought of that girl who is nothing but a curse in my life, my trauma, my only nightmare. I then swiped to see the other pictures of hers in clear. I was shocked too. It is her. How is she here? Why is she here in this pic? What the fuck is she doing here with my Vaish Mumma and Raj uncle. Don't say me she is my Vaishnavi mumma's daughter. I looked at Varun. He nodded his head in a yes. But I observed one more thing in his eyes. It was not of some fear or something like that. It was of guilt. I can atleast read people's mind. I can read their eyes. Because they never lie. Maybe because he is ashamed of the fact that such a cheap character girl is no one but the elder daughter of our Vaishnavi mumma.

Does she know (vaishnavi) what her daughter in real is.

"Give me the file" I asked him refering to the file in which the detailed information about mumma and her family was there. I carefully read everything and yes. SHE is my Vaishnavi mumma's daughter.

'LAVANYA' I closed my eyes immediately feeling the anger rushing in my veins, feeling frustrated of everything as that nightmare, that flashback came infront of my eyes.


"Such a cheap man he is!"

"How can someone be so cruel!"

"I never thought my son would do such a cheap thing Abhiram!"

"What did you do Abhiram?"

"It was your responsibility to protect me bhaiya!"

"This rascal literally thought of raping his own sister!!!!"

"This bloody bugger, he is not fit for living!!"


"Arghhhh" I shouted as everything that happened 5 years back came back in my mind.

"Bhaiya, drink water" Varun said with some mixed emotions in his voice. I drank it in one shot.

"I'll not leave you. You'll have to pay for everything you have done. You'll fucking have to receive the punishment Miss Lavanya Gowda" I clenched my jaw as I said. I was finishing her matter back when the incident happened itself. But the situation my family was in, the trauma my sister, MY AARUSHI was facing because of her and the incident stopped. I don't know why but I let her go. But I guess even that God wants her to get punished by me. I'll make sure she'll suffer.

"What about Vaishu ma, she'll never forgive you, us, if you try to harm her family that too her elder daughter. Its not good for us bhaiya. What if sh-...."

"Of course she'll never forgive her elder daughter once she gets to know about her real face." I said cutting off his words in middle.

"Let's meet soon, Miss, what should I call you. Huh. Slut. Just wait for me. You'll see what it feels like to go against me." I murmured.

"But bhai-...."

"Long journey ahead. Go and take rest." I said Varun as I came inside the mini meeting room in the plane.



They say where there is misunderstanding, there is no love. Where there is love, there is no inch of a space for misunderstanding. But here, both ABHIRAM and LAVANYA have many misunderstandings between them. But what is the reason. What is ABHIRAM'S worst nightmare that made him hate LAVANYA when she doesn't even know that he exists in this world. Why is Varun feeling guilty now?

Let me clear one thing. Here I had mentioned about Abhiram being obsessed with Lavanya's voice in the previous chapter. But now Abhiram is hating Lavanya to the core. That is because he assumes that Lavanya as two different people.

One is Lavanya's voice. He thinks it belongs to someone whom he have never met.

Second is Lavanya herself. He knows her. He have seen her. But the situation was so suffocating.

What will happen when he gets to know that the voice he was obsessed belongs to the same person he hates.
Hey lovelies 🤎
I'm really very sorry for not updating the chapters for so many days.
I lost my beloved grandma, who was like a backbone for me. Who supported me when everyone stood against me.🥺
I'll make sure to update chapters regularly.
Stay tuned for the further updates.

Please do vote. It'll help me so much. 🙂🙏
I'll be back with the new chapter soon.
Till then take care lovelies 🤎

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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