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Nick stood at the Maze doors with Newt, Alby and Minho. They were going to trace Ben’s steps to try and figure out what had happened. 

“Are you sure I can't go instead of you? The Glade needs you.” Nick tried to convince Alby to stay but he kept rejecting the idea. 

“The Glade needs you too.” Alby pulled her in for a hug, “These boys wouldn't last a day without you.” 

“Don't die.” She hugged him back tightly, “Or I'll kill you.” 

He chuckled and let her go so he could talk to Newt whilst she spoke to Minho. 

“First sign of danger and you run, okay? I don't care if you are about to find a way out.” Nick warned him, “You run.” 

“We will.” Minho hugged her, “Don't worry we’ll be fine.” 

“Are you sure you're okay to go into the Maze today?” She was worried about him after Ben. 

“I'll be fine.” He pulled out the hug and smiled, “I'll see you later.” 

Newt and Nick waved them off as the boys ran into the maze. It was just them going into the Maze today and Alby wanted to retrace Ben’s steps and he wasn't willing anyone else to get hurt. 

“They'll be fine.” Newt smiled, taking her hand in his, “You know how strong they are.” 

“Yeah. Just worried. With everything going on anything could go wrong.” 

He squeezed her hand gently, “Come on let's get the boys up.” 


Thomas and Nick were sitting on a big log near where Zart and Newt were hacking down a tree trunk. Chuck was leaning against the log carving something, Nick was zoned into her notes and Thomas was asking non stop questions. 

Nick believed that he hadn't said one actual sentence since he had been in the Glade. 

“Why would Alby go into the Maze?” Thomas glanced over at Nick but then at Newt, “I mean he's not a– he's not a runner.” 

“Things are different now. Alby went to trace Ben’s footsteps before sundown.” Newt’s patience was wearing thin, “Look are you gonna help?” 

“So he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung?” Thomas ignored Newt’s question. 

“Alby knows what he's doing. Alright?” Nick spoke nodding at Chuck who was showing her what he was carving, “He knows better than any of us.” 

Thomas looked at her surprised that he was actually talking to him, “What does that mean?” 

Newt stopped what he was doing and stepped towards Thomas, “Right it's like you've heard yeah? Every month the box sends up a new arrival. But someone had to be first right? Someone had to spend a whole month in the Glade alone.” 

“And that was Alby.” Nick finished for him, she moved to lie down on the log instead. 

“I mean it can't have been easy. But when those boys started coming up one after another he saw the truth. He learnt that the most important thing is that we have each other. Because we’re all in this together.”  Newt explained. 

After a few moments of thinking Thomas finally stood up and helped the two boys hack at the tree stump. 

“Yeah.” Newt smiled, “There ya go Greenie.” 

Nick looked up when she heard thunder, something that definitely never happened in the Glade. It was always sunny and hot. 

“Lizard?” She stood up, “Do you remember a day that it rained in the Glade?” 

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