Prologue Part 2

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The story begins with phantom storm's Narration then changes to the show.

-Transformers Cybertron Opening-

(change original intro with my custom one one)

Phantom Storm Narration: The originverse and the prime worlds within it including mine are in danger. To save them and the originverse we must ban together and combine the other prime worlds with my own and work together to defeat the lord of corrupted darkness, and his army of warriors of corrupted darkness. It is my mission to defeat the lord of corrupted darkness and his forces of corrupted darkness. And those I meet along the way join me in my crusade. Move out team.

The scene starts as a shadowy figure runs across the rooftops of paris and heads towards the headquarters of interpol. Upon approaching a chimney the figure uses a cane to destroy it then jumps and lands on top of the interpol sign then jumps again and lands on a rooftop light on interpol headqurters. The shadowy figure then reveals itself to be a female raccoon named silvia cooper of the cooper thief clan. Sylvia then takes out a device called a binoc-u-com that one of two friends created as a turtle calls sylvia on her binoc-u-com.

-Paris, Interpol Headquaters-

Turtle: Silvia! Come in. Silvia! do you read me?.

Sylvia Cooper: Yeah I, I read you. Loud and.... very loud.

Turtle: Sorry I'm a little nervous, trying to break into police headquarters does that.

Silvia Cooper: Get over it, Bentley. Your safe in the van. I'm the thief here - I've got to steal that file from Inspector Carmelita Fox.

Bentley: Well, count on me to be your eyes and ears, buddy. Got their security system totally scoped. To get inside you'll have to go through that air vent. One last thing sylvia, I hacked into the police security mainframe and found out in interpol's database, And found out that inspector carmelita fox has a partner who leads three interpol teams be careful.

Sylvia Cooper: Alright I'm going in.

Hippo: And don't forget you got me at the wheel, Silvia. All you gotta is grab the file and get back to the van we'll do the rest. 

Silvia Cooper: Just keep the engine running, Murray. I'll be down in no time

After finishing her comm call silvia put her binoc-u-com away and went towards a water tower and starts seeing blue lights and calls bentley on her binoc-u-com.

Silvia Cooper: Hey Bentley, I think I'm seeing things. Must be vertigo or something. Can you see those crazy blue lights?.

Bentley: Really? I've read about this. Master raccoon thieves are able to sense thieving opportunities which manifest themselves as unexplainable blue auras. According to my research all you have to do is get near them and you should perform your super sneaky master thief skills.

Silvia Cooper: Get close to the blue auras to perform my master thief skills. I'm on it.

Sylvia places her back against the outside of the water tower then after getting across she jumps and lands near the vent that allows her to enter interpol headquaters. She then destroys the vent cover and enters the elevator shaft. Unknown to silvia cooper three other characters watched as she entered the air vent and into elevator shaft holding the file she's after.

Human Male Thief: So that's sylvia cooper of the cooper thief clan. A shame her clan was decimated by our enemy and group of villains on this prime world.

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