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“Good job.” Minho panted, “You just killed yourselves.” 

Nick didn't even listen to what he said and jumped onto him hugging him tightly. Minho held her back looking over at Thomas who was only just realising what he had done. 

She finally let him go and looked over at Alby, “Is he?” 

Minho nodded and she knew he had been stung but this time she was going to save him. If she survived this night then she would work until she died to figure out the cure for Alby. 

“Wait what?” Thomas stumbled over to them and her head snapped towards him. 

“What are you doing here Greenie?” 

“I followed you.” 


“So you wouldn't die!” Thomas sat down next to them. 

Nick rubbed her face in annoyance, “Right well you're here now.” 

Thomas looked at Alby’s head where there was a small cut, “What happened to him?” 

“What does it look like? He got stung.” Minho looked down. 

“What happened to his head?” 

“I did what I had to do.” 

Thomas looked at Nick and Minho who were looking at each other with an understanding of what had gone on. 

The three stayed in silence as Nick stood up and tried to think of a way for them to survive. There was no way they could run all night, not without a break and at night there is no breaks.

A Griever screeched in the distance and rumbling followed it meaning that their night in the Maze had begun. 

Minho grunted as he stood up next to Nick, “We gotta go. The Maze is already changing.” 

“Hey Minho!” Thomas shouted, “We can't just leave him here.” 

He turned around looking at the three of them, Nick and Thomas either side of Alby. Minho hesitated but one stern look from Nick and he helped Thomas pick him up. 

“We get out of here together or not at all.” She told him. 

But would they all get out?


They had been walking for a few hours going in the opposite direction of any Grievers that they could hear. All of them were tired but if they wanted to live they knew they couldn't stop. 

They turned another corner but the direction Nick was planning to take was cut off by another wall. Minho went to suggest the other way but the way was also blocked off by a wall. 

It was definitely harder to not get lost in the Maze when it was moving around you. 

“Set him down.” Minho grunted, “Set him down here.” 

The two boys placed Alby against the wall, sitting him upright so he wouldn't get any more injuries. 

“Everything is wrong.” Nick hit her back against the wall. 

“Maybe because the Maze is moving around?” Thomas suggested. 

“No. Everything is changing. First Ben getting stung, then the rain, then Alby getting stung, then the doors shutting early.” 

“Wait.” Minho looked up at her, “The doors shut early?” 

“Three minutes early. They're planning something.” 

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