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Chuck was the first one at the door, "Guys get up!"

The other boys jumped up quickly moving next to him waiting for the doors to move. Whatever they saw next would change how they lived.

But when the doors opened it revealed the dark hallway and nothing else. No sign that any of them had survived.

"They didn't make it." Newt muttered looking down at Chuck, "They're not coming back."

Chuck watched as the boys around him began to walk back into the Glade. Zart looked back to get him to follow them but stopped in his tracks.

"No way." Zart walked back over to Chuck.

"Yeah! Yes!" Chuck cheered causing the other boys to turn around.

Thomas and Minho were walking down the hallway carrying Alby in between them. The rest of the boys rushed to help them as soon as they were into the Glade.

Jeff, Fry and Newt took Alby from them and lay him on the floor whilst the two other boys collapsed to the floor.

"What happened out there?"

"Where's Nick?"

"How'd you guys make it out?"

"Did you see a Griever?" Chuck asked.

Thomas nodded, "Yeah I saw one."

"He didn't just see it." Minho smiled, "He killed it."

"I wouldn't have been able to if it weren't for Nick. She's the only reason I'm alive and so is Alby."

Newt looked at them, "Where is Nick?"

"She had the plan to kill a Griever but there turned out to be two instead." Minho looked down, "She told Thomas how to kill the one and ran off with the other Griever chasing her. We don't know if she survived or not."

The boys all looked at each other mumbling things, Newt looked at Minho, his eyes trying to tear up but he wouldn't allow them too. He needed to be strong and crying was not something he could do now.

"If Nick died she died a hero. If it weren't for Nick we wouldn't be alive." Thomas nodded to Newt.

Nick walked around the corner, she had finally made it back to the Glade. The boys were in front of the door surrounding Minho and Thomas. Chuck was crying into Frys' apron so maybe Alby didnt survive.

The thought worried her but she continued walking towards them. Zart looked back towards the Maze and a massive smile grew on his face.

"Guys you might want to see this."

The others started to look up and just like Zart they immediately had massive smiles on their faces. Newt's was the widest, he didn't even wait for Nick to reach the Glade and ran into the Maze.

He met her halfway and pulled her into a deep kiss earning wolf whistles off the others. Once he pulled away Nick was even more out of breath than she was before.

"I love you too." Newt whispered, "I can't risk losing you again without asking you to be mine. Please be mine, Love?"

Nick kissed him gently on the lips, "I'd love to be yours Mr Lizard."

Newt laughed before picking her up and spinning her around. He couldn't be more happy that Nick was officially his girlfriend and Nick was happy he was finally her boyfriend.

He walked her back to the Glade but didn't let go of her almost like he never wanted to leave her side ever again.

As soon as she stepped onto the Glades grass Chuck threw her to the floor in a hug and then followed by the others. They all talked over each other about how worried and upset they were when they thought they lost her and when she ran into the Maze.

Inventing Love ♡Newt♡ Where stories live. Discover now