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The maids entered swiftly, arms laden with layers of ivory silk and lace, followed by the ever-energetic Seraphina, who flounced into the room with her usual bright-eyed excitement. I rose slowly, rubbing the last vestiges of sleep from my eyes, before allowing the maids to assist me in undressing. Seraphina climbed into a nearby chair, her legs dangling above the ground, watching intently with a wide grin on her face.

As they slipped the gown over my head, the cool fabric grazing my skin, I caught my first glimpse of it in the long mirror that stood in the corner of the room. It was, by all standards, a simple gown, yet breathtaking in its subtle elegance. The bodice was fitted, with delicate lace that wrapped around my shoulders and arms like a whisper, accentuating the soft curves of my frame. The skirt flowed gently to the floor, cascading in waves of soft satin that shimmered in the light, without any of the heavy embellishments or garish detailing that often adorned such gowns. It was classic, refined, and in its simplicity, it felt perfect.

As I stood there, marveling at the dress, one of the maids spoke softly, a knowing smile on her lips. "It was chosen by Master Edward, miss."

At that, Seraphina leapt from her chair and ran toward me, nearly tumbling over herself in her enthusiasm. "Edward chose this? Oh! He must think you look so beautiful in it!" Her words tumbled out in a flurry of excitement as she circled around me, her small hands reaching out to lightly touch the fabric of the skirt.

I managed a soft chuckle, smiling down at her. "It would seem so," I murmured, my heart fluttering at the thought of Edward having selected such a gown for me. His taste had always been impeccable, but this... this was different. This was personal.

Seraphina's bright eyes suddenly widened as if she had remembered something vitally important. "Where's your ring?" she asked, her voice full of curiosity as she peered up at me expectantly.

Before I could respond, the maids, ever vigilant, hurried forward, gently urging Seraphina away from the gown. "Best not to dirty the dress, Miss Seraphina," one of them said kindly, though with an air of authority.

Seraphina pouted, her lower lip jutting out in that way that always seemed to soften everyone around her. But as I glanced down at my hand, the realization struck me—she was right. There was no ring, not yet, at least.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. Had Edward simply forgotten, or was there more to this than I had been told?

The maids began the delicate process of unfastening the intricate buttons and ties of the gown, their hands moving deftly as they worked. I stood in silence for a moment, staring at my own reflection in the mirror. My eyes wandered, inevitably, to my bare hand. The absence of a ring weighed more heavily on me than I cared to admit.

Breaking the silence, I turned to the maids, my voice measured yet soft. "Has Edward sent word of the ring?"

The maids exchanged uneasy glances, their fingers momentarily pausing in their task. One of them, a young girl with flushed cheeks, answered hesitantly. "I'm afraid not, miss."

I nodded slowly, attempting to mask the disappointment that flickered within me. The soft rustling of the gown being removed did little to quiet my mind, and I found myself unable to keep my gaze from returning to my left hand, where the ring should have been.

With a gentle sigh, I tried to push the thoughts away, though the gnawing uncertainty lingered in the back of my mind.

As the last layers of fabric fell away, leaving me in the light shift beneath, I turned once more to the maids, the question forming in my mind before I had a chance to stop myself.

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