Part 1

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Willow's POV

I walked out of school with my head down. My backpack is almost the same size as my body so I held onto both straps while starting the long walk home. Unfortunately there's always a creepy man standing by our school, he likes to try getting kids who walk home to get in his car. Normally he is busy bothering other kids whose parents back them up and move them from the situation. This time he targeted me. There's no one who can help me out though.

We're not too close to the school at all, he stands by the entrance to a park close by that a lot of kids walk through after school. I felt him place a hand on my lower back and hold out a hand full of candy. I don't really like candy, it makes me feel sick so I shook my head and tried to step away from him. The man jumped up and stood in front of me. "Why don't I take you in my car to your house. Clearly there's no one here to pick you up. I see you walk home alone every day."

I looked around, thankfully noticing a couple holding hands and walking in our direction. I immediately knew what to do, our teacher had taught us how to react in these situations. "MOMMY! DADDY!" I screamed, running over to the couple with tears in my eyes.

I reached my arms out and the lady was quick to lower her height to reach me and pick me up with ease. She must have known to play along because she wouldn't have picked me up if not, if she left me to walk by her he could have snatched me as we walked past him. While we walked past, the lady and man started to play up to the role, noticing him following us around. "How was your day at school gorgeous girl? Mommy and daddy miss you being around the house with us all the time and you're only 3 days into the school year." The lady asked.

I nodded a little trying to pull my backpack onto my shoulders that it had slipped off. "Here I'll take your bags." The man told me, making the lady stop so that he could take the backpack and my lunch bag from me. Thankfully a bodyguard man stopped the creep and told him to leave us alone so the lady put me back down on the floor. "Sorry I did that." I mumbled.

"It's all okay. Are you feeling okay, are you worried or scared?" The lady asked me. Maybe she could see that I was ever so slightly shaking and that I had tears in my eyes. I shrugged and looked up at her, a tear spilling over and causing a domino effect for the other tears. "Do you need a hug?"

I nodded Very hesitantly, I don't get hugs ever so even If I didn't need it because of the man, I needed one in general. She squatted down a little and opened her arms out so I slowly shuffled closer, wrapping my arms around her and letting my head fall against her. She gently rubbed my back and held my head in place for a while until I moved back.

I thought they would walk off After the hug but they didn't, instead the lady knelt down in front of me and her boyfriend and the bodyguard man stood to both sides of me. I felt her hold my hands gently. "That's okay, you're allowed to be a little shaken up right now. Can I call your mommy for you? Get her to come and pick you up so that I know you get home safely. My name is Taylor and this is Travis, my boyfriend. We're not going to hurt you, I just want to get you home safe. Is that okay?" She asked me. I shook my head and looked down.

She didn't need to know about Linda.

"Okay, that's okay. How about we walk to your house with you then we know you're safe. Do you walk home every day?" She asked me. I nodded and she held out her hand for me. "Thank you for helping. Sorry I called you that, it was just pretend I don't want you to get mad at me." I told her.

"It's all good, that was very smart of you to do that." The man told me. He then added, "What's your name?"

"Uhm.. I'm Willow." I muttered. I'm a bit shy so the fact I managed to get them to help me was a shock to me. Sometimes you can do things that you don't normally do when you're panicking. Maybe that's what happened.

Taylor's head shot over to Travis, her eyes wide. "I have a song called Willow." She told me. I giggled a little, no one has ever said that to me. "Maybe one day you will hear it when you're older." She said, I nodded and squeezed her hand a little.

I showed them the way to my house but stopped at the driveway. The gate was partially opened for me to slip through so I waved goodbye and said thank you before running toward the house. As soon as I walked through the door I looked up at Linda who was holding a bucket of hot soapy water and some sponges and scrubbers. "You can do the windows and floors today and after that I want you to cut all of the grass, and I mean all of it, including the field at the back." She told me.

I nodded slowly and took the bucket starting to get to work. It took me a while and by the time I got to the grass I was exhausted, it was so hot out and I felt so hungry too. The machine was so much bigger than me, making the task difficult. The mansion we live in has so much grass at the back so I started at the front, figuring the grass at the back would be a lot more tedious.

I couldn't even get halfway through the front before I got way too hot and hungry. Everything faded to blackness.


Thank you so much for reading I really hope you enjoyed.

If you have any ideas on how Taylor and Travis end up adopting Willow I would love to hear them. I have an idea but I want it to be something that others want to see!

Leave any requests I love to add them in and please comment what you think!

It's Just Pretend - Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now