Part 3

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Willow's POV

My day went the exact same as the one previous. No sleep, beating in the morning, no focus at school. As I started to leave I was ready to sneak away when the teacher stopped me, reminding me that she had to speak to my parents. I forgot about that and I was almost sure Taylor would have too.

I nodded, telling her that I would go get them but I didn't need to. Taylor came over holding hands with Travis and smiling. I ran over and hugged her, thanking her for pretending for me and she smiled. Travis scooped me up and carried me over to the teacher who led them inside. She looked a little bit starstruck and I had no idea why.

We sat down in the classroom and she immediately apologized for bringing them to the school with no security. "It's okay, not a lot of kids her age would really notice anyway and I'm sure there's no paparazzi at a school." Taylor assured her.

My teacher nodded before starting with what she had to say. "So her last name, it's not Kelce or Swift. She's definitely yours?" She asked them. Taylor shook her head. "We've fostered her a few times and she's currently in our care. Only for the next few days unfortunately." Taylor told her. She nodded.

"I just wanted to mention a few things I've picked up on lately about her behavior. Firstly she's always exhausted. She sleeps a lot in class which is unusual for a child her age. She's extremely small but I guess that her being in the foster system is contributing to that. We were informed of this from the start as it can affect children. She's just very behind and I was wondering if I could give you some extra things to help her with while she's with you. Maybe her social worker can take it to her next family too?" She asked. Taylor nodded and looked at the plastic wallet filled with paper.

"She's not been sleeping too great. We have a close bond and it's been a hard week knowing she's not with us after this that's all. Isn't it honey?" Taylor explained, rubbing my back. I snuggled into her side and nodded my head. The fact that she was lying for me made me feel so safe with her.

"Oh and I need someone to be here for pickup. We have to see a parent to be able to send the child home." She told Taylor.

"I will be here. Until she's out of our custody obviously." She told her. I smiled and climbed into Taylor's lap. I love her cuddles and while I'm here I might as well not waste any cuddle time. She pulled me closer and rubbed my back which caused me to drift off to sleep in her arms.

I woke up again to Taylor standing up and thanking our teacher. She grabbed the work that the teacher wanted me to do at home then noticed me stretching and looking at her. "Go back to sleep, it's ok." She whispered in my ear. I nodded and put my head back down, getting the sleep I needed.

As usual they dropped me off at home but this time Taylor stopped me before I walked in the gates. I looked her dead in the eyes but she looked concerned. "Honey, is everything okay here?" She asked me.

I couldn't answer her so I ran in the gates and locked them. "Sorry." I mumbled to her through the gate before running to the house. That was enough to hint to her without saying anything. I looked back when I got to the doorstep and she was stood talking to Travis.

As months went by it got colder and colder. Taylor and Travis were walking me home every day. One day I walked in and I think Linda had found out. I was beaten for hours on end that night. At first I stayed quiet but then I tried to fight. "Stop it! OW! I want Taylor!" I screamed.

I think they tried to kill me because I passed out soon after that.

Taylor's POV

Travis and I wrapped up for a nice late night walk in the cold winter air. We were out for a while, holding hands and talking. We enjoy our walks together, of course security follows but only loosely behind just in case. It's nice to do a normal activity.

Willow had forgotten Her backpack so we decided to leave it by the gate for her when we're on the way home. We headed over to the gates in the dark, the lights inside the house were on and small lights lit up the driveway. "Do I just knock on the door and tell them I'm her teacher and she left it at school?" I asked Travis who nodded.

As I headed down the driveway I noticed the door open. A small body was thrown out into the cold air. I screamed, running over to Willow while Travis called the police and ran to the door. I watched him throw a few punches at the man before turning to me, wanting to help Willow. "Get him Trav I've got Willow!"

Willow lay on the floor unconscious, no clothes other than her underwear. My heart broke seeing cuts and bruises across her body. Her little lip and nose were pouring with blood and her face was so pale. I placed one hand on her cheek, gently rubbing it with my thumb. "Wake up honey. Wake up. Willow, come on honey. You're going to get through this, you can't die on me!" I begged.

Her little eyes fluttered open. She looked around in terror, her body trembling with the cold. Her cries got louder as she woke up more. "I want Taylor." She sobbed. I smiled softly at her.

"I'm here baby, it's Taylor." I said in a quietened voice. She looked up at me and I smiled at her. I then took off my coat, despite the cold and lay it over her, not wanting to move her in case she had any injuries that could get worse if she was moved. I reached into my pocket for my phone.

"I need an ambulance, police and a social worker as soon as possible please. Travis, find our foster license." I demanded. We had been fostering young ones for a few months during the end of my tour, we had a break from fostering recently, wanting to have work done on the house before taking in another but I needed to take Willow with me. She was meant for us.


I hope you enjoyed thank you so much for reading.

Any requests let me know and please leave lots of comments some of them crack me up and I love seeing your guys opinions.

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