Part 2

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Willow's POV

I got dragged up out of the grass at 3am the next morning by Linda. Her husband, Trevor, seemed angry, he was ready to beat me so badly. My tiredness and anxiety caused me to panic and cry, trying to get away from Linda's hold. Unfortunately he got me and you don't even want to know what happened next.

I made my way to school early the next morning and throughout the day it was so hard to keep myself awake. I was in so much pain everywhere and so tired. The sun had burnt my face and arms so badly too so that really wasn't helping much. I was so relieved when the day ended and I made my way out.

I felt so hungry and tired and a long walk was the last thing I needed before having to finish cutting all of the grass but I can't change that. As I left the door my teacher put her hand in front of me. "Willow, are your mommy and daddy in the car again? Could you ask them if I could speak to them tomorrow after school?" She asked me.

My eyes widened but I nodded before running off, only to bump into the creepy man again. This time he was mad, probably because he got in a lot of trouble the previous day. He grabbed onto my hair as I walked past him and pulled me back causing me to squeal and cry in pain. He started dragging me towards the trees when I heard a familiar voice. "There you are! Sorry we're late honey we were at work." Taylor yelled, running over.

The man started to run faster, dragging me across the floor by my hair while I screamed and cried for help. Travis ran up behind him and grabbed him, giving Taylor a chance to catch up. Travis grabbed his hand, forcing him to loosen his grip on me and as soon as he did I stumbled into Taylor who pulled me into her arms tightly.

Travis kept hold of the man and Taylor kept one arm around me, keeping me as close to her as possible while she squatted on the floor in front of me. Her other arm she used to call the police who were quick to come. Neither of us moved an inch while we waited and Travis kept hold of the creep with the help of other witnesses.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor whispered. I slowly looked up at her still sobbing and shook my head. I rubbed my eyes, desperate for some sleep but still hyper on adrenaline. She sat herself on the floor and pulled me into her lap, slowly rocking side to side.

"Me and Travis will be here at the same time every day, we like to go on a walk at this time and we agreed that since there's no one to walk you home if you ever want to walk with us then just let us know okay? Your home, is it an orphanage?" She asked me. I nodded, not wanting her to know the truth and think I'm unappreciative of my foster parents. I wanted her to think that they were just too busy with other kids to walk me home.

"Okay, we will walk you home. Can you take a deep breath for me? You're okay, I've got you and he's going to be taken away for a long time." She told me softly. No one ever uses that soft tone with me. It felt so comforting to hear those words. I did a few deep breaths, following her breathing. I decided to take my chances despite how hesitant I was.

"Um, could you pretend again tomorrow, my teacher wants to speak to my parents." I asked hesitantly. I was shaking with anxiety but a comforting rub on my back eased this quickly.

"Of course I can, is there no one else you could ask to go. I don't mind being a trusted adult but I don't want to upset someone who is supposed to go." She replied. I shook my head so she smiled. "We will be there at pickup time." She promised.

We were there for a while and I found myself falling asleep against Taylor so it was a shock to me when I was woken up by them. I looked around to see I was at the gates to home. The last place I wanted to be. I got put down by Travis who I'm guessing ended up carrying me home.

I thanked them as always before heading inside. I got a beating for my lateness before being sent back out in the blazing sunlight to continue cutting the grass. I managed to actually get it done this time but when I went for some dinner I was handed a dog bowl. Linda put it on the floor outside before throwing my mattress onto the front lawn. "If you want to sleep outside like a dog I'll treat you like one. Shoo you little bitch!" She screamed before slapping me across the face

I screeched and scurried off to the front lawn where I lay down on my mattress and closed my eyes. I just wished that Taylor and Travis could see me like this and come save me. I didn't even eat my dinner that was in the dirty dog bowl, I had only gone just over 34 hours without food so there's not too much chance of me dying just yet. As I fell asleep I just wished I was in Taylor's arms, safe and protected but most importantly comforted.

It was most definitely the worst night of sleep of my life, I spent most of it crying and begging for Taylor and Travis to find me. In my mind if I begged they might hear me but in reality, there's no way they could come help me. They would never see me at this time of the day in this state.


I hope you enjoyed thank you so much for reading.

Any requests let me know and please leave lots of comments some of them crack me up and I love seeing your guys opinions.

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