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Utility Belt Buzz tied Hiccup and Buzz down to pieces of cardboard that came from a box carrying the Buzz Lightyear toy.

Buzz: "Listen to me. Listen to me. You're not really a space ranger, you're a toy! We're all toys! Do you hear me?!"

Hiccup: "Give it up Buzz. He's not gonna listen."

Utility Belt Buzz: "Well that should hold you both till the court marshal."

Buzz: "Let me go, you don't realize what you're doing!"

Hiccup: "Wait until he leaves. Maybe we can break out of these things."

The cars and trucks enter the aisle, with Lightning, Mater, Wall-E, and Eve staying beside those vehicles.

Barbie: "And this is the Buzz Lightyear aisle. Back in 1995, shortsighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand."

Eugene: "Hey guys, we're losing time here. We gotta find..."

Hamm: "Hey Buzz."

Utility Belt Buzz: "Halt! Who goes there?!"

He shines his laser at them. They stop in front of him.

Mr. Potato Head: "Quit clowning around and get in the car!"

Diego: "Hey I thought Hiccup was with you. Where'd he go?"

Rex: "Buzz, Buzz. I know how to defeat Zurg."

Dracula: "Not important now, Rex."

Utility Belt Buzz turns off his laser after hearing Rex's statement.

Utility Belt Buzz: "You do?"

Rex: "Come on, I'll tell you on the way."

Bandit: "Here, Bluey and I will get in the other car. Make some room for you."

Donkey: "I'll take advantage of that and sit with Buzz then."

Hiccup and Buzz tried to yell at them but the box they were in was almost soundproof.

Hiccup: "Over here! We're over here!"

Buzz: "No guys! You got the wrong Buzz! You've got the wrong Buzz!"

Scrat perked his ear up and turned around. He saw Buzz yelling from inside the box. He thought it was a different Buzz, so he ignored it.

Hiccup: "Oh, how do we get his attention again?"

Hamm: "Say, where'd you get the cool belt, Buzz?"

Utility Belt Buzz: "Well, slotted pig, they're a standard issue."

Ericka: "Hey, question, Barbie. This is the end of the tour, correct?"

Barbie: "Precisely. I hope you've enjoyed the experience."

Ericka: "Okay, can you take us to Al's office."

Barbie: "Not a problem. Just follow me."

The cars, truck, Wall-E, and Eve begin to leave the aisle, all of them follow the blue car.


Hiccup thought of something to get Scrat's attention.


Scrat turned his head once again as they were leaving the aisle. He saw Hiccup pounding on the box. He gasped and looked at everyone else. He decided to jump off Wall-E's head and run back towards the Buzz aisle.

Wall-E: "Uh oh! (Whistle)"

He lowered his hand down so Scrat can climb back up, but Scrat shook his head and ran off. Before Wall-E could get him, Eve grabbed his hand and pulled him back with the rest.

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