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"HOYL SHIT KEVIN!!" "WHAT??" "LOOK AT THIS" I say turning my head and pointing to my neck. There is a trail of 6 hickeys from my jaw to collar bone. "I have to see family, that already hates me, like this now." He holds open his arms, hugging me, and kissing the top of my head. "It's ok. I'm sorry." "Can you get Maggie?" I mumble into his neck. He pulls away going next door. After a few minutes Maggie comes in. "Hey Sam what's wrong?" I tilt my head exposing the hickeys and she gasps. She turns to Kevin smacking him then looks at me. "I need help" "Ya I see that!" She picks up some make up getting right to work. After 30 minutes she's done and I check the mirror. "You can still see them but it's better. You're never gonna fully cover up a hickey." "Ok thanks. See ya later" I tell her as she leaves. As soon as the door closes I feel a tear slide down my cheek. Kevin walks over, picks me up, and holds me tight. "Shhh baby it'll be ok" he rubs my back whispering in my ear. "Le- Lets go" I cough out after a little and he agrees, carrying me to the car and starting the drive.

"Will you hold my hand?" I mumble as he opens my door. He says nothing as he takes my hand and pulls me up to the house. I squeeze his hand, stepping behind him and hiding. He pulls me back beside him and he picks up my head. "I'm so scared..." "I know. Sam it's ok I'm gonna be right here the whole time." I kiss his cheek before pressing the doorbell and grabbing a piece of Kevin's shirt to hold onto.

"Samantha?" my dad asks. "WHO IS AT THE- Samantha?" my mom says stepping towards us. "Come in!" she fakes a smile letting us in. She immediatley goes back to the kitchen while my dad sits in the living room. I take a seat as does Kevin and he rubs my knuckles. "So who is this?" my dad questions pointing at Kevin. "This is Kevin" "And he is here because...?" "Because he's my boyfriend." "Ah so he gave you those?" he points to my neck. He notices everything... "Um- sir- I would like you to know I love your daughter and so what if I made those marks. I mean they are love marks! But you haven't seen her in 3 years can we not talk about me and talk about how she is? If she has a job? If she has pets, friends?" "If you ever touch my daughter again-" my dad growls before punching Kevin's eye. Kevin stumbles back taking my hand. "Go baby, I'll meet you in the car." I walk out and I hear my dad hit Kevin again. Kevin screams and it takes everything in my power not to run in there. Kevin walks out, blood dripping from his lip, his eye already turning black and blue. I take his hand and he lets out a laugh. "Sam I'm so sorry" and he shakes his head.

About an hour into our drive home I start to cry. I can't hold it in anymore. Kevin pulls into a parking lot and steps out coming to the passenger side. He picks me up, sits in the seat, then placing me rigt back down in his lap. He says nothing as he rubs my back and kisses my forhead. I cry and cry, soaking his shirt. After a little bit he squeezes me tighter and then picks up my head to be looking at him. "Samantha it's ok. I'm ok, you're ok. That's all the matters." "He hit you Kevin..." I speak finally calming down.

•Kevin's POV•
She cries into my chest and it kills me to see her hurt. "I'm ok. I protected you and that's what matters. I'll always protect you." "P-Promise?" Ughhh shit. "This is so not how i planned this" I mutter reaching in my pocket. I pull out the black velvet box. "Forever and ever I will always protect you. I know you might be leaving soon but I'll spend every second of my day there for you. Samantha will you marry me?" She puts her hands to her face but slowly nods her head, leaning forward back into my chest. "Yes Kevin!" I smile and slide the ring on her finger as she picks up her head, placing her hands behind my neck. I feel her soft lips on mine and I let out a moan at contact. I feel her smile against our kiss and I mumble "hotel babe?" and she nods, placing a final kiss on my lips and letting me stand up.

I drive back to the hotel faster then I've ever driven. I pick her up carrying her to our room. "We are gonna get married!" I say sounding like a 5 year old. I sit on the edge of the bed and she laughs taking a seat on my lap. "Yes we are..." and her lips meet mine again. My hands place themselves on her hips and she slides her tongue along my bottom lip. I let her in and my tongue explores her mouth. I love her so much. I feel her hips move and I let out a moan. I pull away to remove my shirt and she whimpers at the loss of contact. I lean back, pulling her with me, and attching our lips again. Her hands roam my chest, her cold fingers tracing my abs. She mumbles and moans against my lips and I play with the hem of her shirt. She pulls away, letting me pull off her shirt before she ducks her head and I feel her lips on my collarbone.

Only one more chapter (the epilouge)!!! ahhh! but ya might be a sequel might not...i got an idea but i dont think its worth a book

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