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•Kevin POV•

I wake up and set Samantha beside me so I can get ready. After showering and getting dressed I grab Advil and water and go and sit by Sam's waist, leaning over her to kiss her forhead. "Baby can you wake up? Just for a minute you can go right back to sleep after" I tuck the hair out of her face and she lets out a groan taking my hand and holding it to her face. "I'm right here love, can you please just open your eyes" I wait a minute before her eyes slowly squint open and she lets out another groan and she holds her head. "There's medicine here for you to take for your head. I have meetings to go to but I want you to stay here. If you need me call me otherwise stay in bed, take the medicine, and try to eat a little. I'm going to send Jalynne over in a few hours to check on you so don't be startled if she comes in she has my key." "Mkay" she quietly mumbles and presses my hand to her lips. "I love you Sam" I kiss her head again before heading out.

•Jalynne POV•

I walk in and see Samantha across the bed sound asleep still. She didn't take her medicine and the food Kevin got her is still sitting on the nightstand with the medicine. "Samantha you need to wake up come on" I go into mother mode and shake her seemingly lifeless body. "Stoppp" she whines and pushes my hand away. "Medicine and food then you can sleep" I say and she turns a little to face me. I hand her the Advil which she takes then she eats a few bites of the pancakes. "What happened to you?" I ask and she shrugs pulling the covers up over her face. "Sam cmon you need to talk so I know you're ok" I try to pull the covers down but for being sick she's awfully strong. "Stop Jay I don't want to talk I don't know what happened" she says and I quickly hear her breathing even out. "Night Sam."

•Kevin POV•

I finally get back to the hotel and immediately go to Samantha to check on her. "Hey babygirl how are you feeling?" I ask when I see her awake and staring at an empty wall. "I'm alive" she laughs a little making me laugh. Leave it to her to be a smartass when I'm worried about her. "Ok well did you eat something? Take the Advil?" "A little thank you and yes" "Good" I sit beside her and she turns to me pulling herself closer and hugging my waist. "Did Jalynne stop by?" "Yeah for a little bit I fell asleep though" "Ok that's fine you need sleep" "What happened?" she asks and I feel my heart speed up a little. "Someone stuck some stuff in your drink it's ok though you're going to be good tomorrow" "I want to see you get your award babe!" "Sam honey I know you do but you can't go out tonight you still look sick" "No I'll be better I'll sit the whole time Kevin I can't miss it" "It'll be on tv" I say and stand up. I take off my tie and shirt then grab a towel and head to the bathroom to shower. I finish and throw on my Purdue shorts before going back out to hang out with Samantha until I have to go.

"Samantha what the hell are you doing?" I try to stay calm when I walk out and her hair is curled and she is working on her makeup. "Kevin I told you I'm not missing this" she puts on the final swipe of mascara then packs up all her stuff. "I really don't think it's safe for you to go babe" I try and she ignores me, standing up and almost falling on her way to her suitcase. "I'm fine I'm here to support you not be locked up in here."

After begging and pleading for almost 2 hours here I am walking into my award ceremony with Samantha around my arm looking stunning in a blue dress. "Well well well if it isn't the star of the show" Eric slurs walking up and looking Samanha up and down. She blushes and thanks him, her not knowing he did this to her. "Awh don't leave pretty boy. I was just getting to your girlfriend the other night when she disappeared" Eric continues and follows us. We both stay silent and I hug Sam closer. I find myself zoning out in my fast walk to get to our seats and away from this asshole.

"Ow Kevin stop you're hurting me" Sam says and squirms beneath my arm. I quickly let go of her not realizing how tight I had been holding her. "I'm so sorry" I apologize and she gives me a weird look. "Eric spiked your drink to hook up with you" I mumble and her eyes scan the room quickly before she is now squeezing my arm tight. "Babe I'm here he won't get you and if you can't find me find Brandon or Jalynne ok?" "Ok...can we sit down?" "Yes of course" I find our seats at a table with Kris and Zack and their girlfriend/wife. I notice Eric is across the room with some girl so I turn back to our table and see Samantha has quickly warmed up to them. I talk with Kris and Zack as everyone rotates giving a speech and taking pictures with the Golden Glove and the office of MLB.

"Why don't you get to bring it home?" Samantha asks me on our way to the hotel. I have her under my jacket to keep her close and safe from a possible Eric sighting. "Well they have to customize them with our name and stuff so we do that with the speeches then in a few weeks I have to go pick up mine in Tennessee" I explain and she smiles taking my hand and holding it. "Do I go to that too?" "Well you don't have to but it's a few days before the wedding so I thought you could and we can just head to Florida from there. Get some extra time with friends and family?" "Oh yeah that sounds great actually" she giggles and stands to her tip toes placing a kiss on my cheek. "I love you" "I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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