The Beginning.

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First Person!
I sat on the bottom bunk, my stomach rumbling ever so slightly as the rusty cell doors of other inmates slid open, like they were screaming, taunting us... with eyes fixated on the wall
parallel to me, I barely noticed the guard opening my door, his words harsh as he spat my name out, like I was a disease he was scared to touch.
"L/N, Last fucking time. It's your turn."
He crossed his arms, gesturing to the cafeteria. Food...
I stood up, my legs aching from sitting down for so long. Leading me down the halls and yelling at any inmate who looked at him wrong, with his shoes squeaking on the floors, he let me get my food, and forced me down into a seat.
Milk, a sandwich with stale bread, lettuce and butter, and a cookie that's 6 years old. It wasn't ideal, but I was starving... The cafeteria was awfully busy as I took bite after bite out of my sandwich, going to grab the small cardboard carton of milk, before it got snatched by a rather large, tanned hand. I frowned. Now, it's not like me to fight over a drink, but I was so thirsty.
"Excuse me... that's mine, sir." The words left my mouth before I could stop myself. The man gave me a harsh laugh, downing the milk. It dripped down his chin before be grabbed my cookie, shoving it into his mouth and chewing, his mouth open as he did so. Gross... I went to stand up, grabbing his wrist before he grabbed my throat, his grip tight as I kicked. I couldn't breathe. How were they not looking, coming to help, something? My lips turned a light purple, and he shoved something into the side of my torso, before throwing me to the ground, and stomping off Scott free. I groaned, feeling my side, before I went stone cold. The handle... A knife, embedded deep into my skin. Blood dripped onto my hand, and my eyes widened.
For the first time in this hell, I screamed. And for the first time, guards rushed over, some ushering me to stand up so I could go to the infirmary, others speaking sternly on a walkie talkie. Everything just went black... the noise drained out, and I felt hands grab me, and the faint footsteps rushing down halls.
Bright lights intruded my vision as my eyes fluttered open, squeezing shut almost immediately as I groaned. I was laid on a table, a soft, blue gown thrown on me. I forced myself to sit up, lifting it up. My torso was heavily wrapped with bandages, a small spot of blood leaking through where I was stabbed. My hand went to the side of my torso, pressing down. Though, it didn't hurt. Ah, painkillers. For the better, I guess. Better than being in pain, right?
I had these grippy socks on, those of which you'd get in a hospital. Every limb I moved felt stiff as I used my hands to turn to the side of the clean table, my legs dangling off the side. I hopped onto the soft, padded floor, looking around.
Pretty blank, a couple of cupboards, some locked with glass doors. To my right was a door. It was metal, looked rather secure, and it seemed to be the only area to exit. The soft pat, pat, pat of my feet was nearly the only thing I could hear as I moved around, other than the buzzing of the bright light.
I snapped out of my thoughts, looking towards the door as it slowly opened, the hinges rusty due to being used for most likely years, leaving a man in a white coat standing in the doorframe.
[630 Words! This was fun to write, and I hope it's fun to read. I'd really appreciate constructive criticism! I haven't written something in a while, and I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoy making it!!
This was mainly to set the scene a little, but, I promise, it'll get more intriguing 😭]

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