Behind the Mask ♆

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Minho's POV:

As the class ended and students began to file out, I found myself walking alongside Hyunjin, our steps falling into an easy rhythm as we headed toward the cafeteria. As I had anticipated, he had begun to trust me—perhaps too easily. It hadn't taken much to sway him, to convince him that I was someone he could rely on. His naivety almost made me pity him. Almost.

He's so easy to manipulate, I thought, a slight twinge of satisfaction curling in my chest. The mask I wore, the facade of a peaceful, trustworthy person, was slipping into place effortlessly. It was almost laughable how quickly he was beginning to see me in a different light.

When we reached the cafeteria, the midday rush was in full swing. The smell of various foods wafted through the air, mingling with the low hum of conversation and the clatter of trays. My eyes scanned the room and quickly found Jisung and Chan seated at a table by the window, engrossed in their meal.

"You can have lunch with us," Hyunjin offered, his voice still carrying that tentative hopefulness, as if he were extending an olive branch, eager to solidify this newfound camaraderie. He gestured toward Jisung and Chan with a slight nod, and I could see he was seeking their approval in some way, as if eating with them would validate this budding connection between us.

I gave him a warm smile, one that I had perfected over centuries, a smile that spoke of reassurance and sincerity. "I'd like that," I replied smoothly, as if the thought of joining them had never crossed my mind.

We made our way over to the table, and Jisung looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes as he noticed us approaching together. He quickly masked it with a grin, but I didn't miss the subtle shift in his demeanor—he was curious, perhaps even a little wary, but the bond between us would ensure his compliance.

Chan, on the other hand, gave me a knowing look, a slight raise of his eyebrow that only I would catch. He could sense the game I was playing, and though he wouldn't interfere, I knew he was watching closely, as always.

"Mind if we join you?" I asked, though I knew the answer before I even spoke. Jisung nodded eagerly, his loyalty to me overriding any lingering doubts.

"Of course, take a seat," Jisung said, gesturing to the empty chairs beside them. "The more, the merrier."

Hyunjin seemed relieved as he settled into the seat across from Jisung, while I took the one next to him, placing myself strategically between him and any potential escape. The conversation flowed easily enough—small talk about classes, the mundane details of university life—but I could sense Hyunjin's guardedness slowly eroding with every word.

As I listened, occasionally chiming in with a well-placed comment or a nod of agreement, I couldn't help but feel the thrill of control, the satisfaction of knowing that everything was falling into place. Hyunjin might think he was making new friends, forming connections, but in reality, he was walking deeper into the web I was weaving around him.

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