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Minho's POV:

When I walked out of Felix's room, his words echoed in my mind, unsettling in a way I'd never thought possible. Humanity. My humanity. Feelings I'd never felt, emotions I'd never even thought myself capable of—now, they were somehow creeping in. My grip on reality, on control, was slipping because of one person. Hyunjin.

Because of him, I was hesitating. Because of him, I couldn't kill when I should have. Felix had been right, as much as it infuriated me to admit it. It was as if everything had been turned upside down, and I hated it.

I wasn't supposed to feel like this. Soulbinders weren't supposed to have weaknesses. I'd always been above such pathetic human emotions. They made people vulnerable, soft, and easily manipulated. And now... I could feel them.

The frustration built in me as I made my way upstairs. Hyunjin. He was waiting for me, just as I had ordered him to. But the thought of seeing him now, after everything I'd just learned, only stoked the anger burning inside me. I brought him here to fix a problem—to force Felix to undo what I thought was a bond between us. But there was no bond. What I had was far worse. I had this humanity—something I had no use for.

No. I wouldn't let myself be reduced to this. I wouldn't let emotions dictate my choices. I was Minho, the only soulbinder in existence, and I refused to be weakened by something as insignificant as human emotions.

As I reached the front door, I saw him standing outside, his back to me, waiting. For some reason, the sight of him standing there, obedient, made my stomach churn with unfamiliar feelings. I approached, not caring if I startled him or not. I needed to rid myself of this confusion.

"Minho!" he exclaimed, turning toward me with a mix of relief and apprehension in his eyes.

"Let's go," I said coldly, trying to drown out the part of me that wanted to soften, to be... human.

"Where? Where are we going?" he asked, his voice unsure, as if he was testing the waters.

I clenched my jaw. "I'm taking you back to your dorm."

But then, just as quickly as I said it, doubt crept in. Why should I take him anywhere? What would I have done before all of this—before Felix's revelations, before Hyunjin had shaken my world? The old me would have left him here without a second thought.

I stopped, correcting myself. "You know what? Go yourself. I don't have time for this."

His eyes widened, clearly taken aback. "What? Minho, I don't know the way back. I don't have a car, and your house is far from the city. There's a forest out here—how am I supposed to get back on my own?"

I shrugged, hardening myself against the logic of his words. "I don't care, Hyunjin. Figure it out."

The look in his eyes was one of disbelief, but more than that, it was hurt. That look—why did it bother me so much? I could feel something stirring inside, that same wretched emotion creeping in again, making me hesitate.

Soulbinder ♆ | Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now