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When I enter the HQ again, the place looks deserted but I don't dwell on it. The other agents were probably assigned jobs in the last twenty minutes.

"Patience! You are back in record time, I must say!" Flynn is strolling down the corridor from the opposite way. I nod and he starts walking beside me. "The helicopter is up and running on the rooftop. The pilot is expecting you."

"Okay. Bye, Flynn." I mutter, starting to hurry to the staircase.

"Goodbye, be safe!" He calls after me and I turn to send him a knowing smirk.

My feet clamber up the staircase in quick speed and I am eventually hit with the chilly March air. The propellers are as loud as always and they throw gusts of air in every direction.

There are two focused agents standing beside the helicopter as I approach it.

"Hello, Miss Blake. Are you ready to leave?" One of the agents question and I fight the urge to tell him to call me Patience instead.

"Yes." I reply and he nods to the other agent.

I jump into the same seat in the back that I was in during the job with Harry. My headset is handed to me and I fix it on my head before strapping myself tightly into the seat.

"Ready?" The other agent asks the pilot and I.

"Always." I remark.

And we started our journey into the sky. My eyes scan the view of land beneath us as we fly. I always remembered how the surroundings of the helicopter appeared like a painting, I didn't know why but they did. So intricate and detailed.

My bag with belongings had been strapped into the seat beside me by one of the other agents.

It was strange being an agent. You were permitted to never bring your phone onto the HQ site or on jobs but when you were outside, you could use it as you pleased. When you were on a job, you weren't really supposed to give your name to other agents; just your number. But that didn't really apply to me, being the only female in the England-based HQ, so I was usually called by my name. The job definitely took some getting used to.

After an hour, my eyelids get heavy and I blame it on Niall's unexpected arrival earlier that morning that awoke me. I actually feel my eyes close and snap them open again immediately. God, I was exhausted.

"Are you tired?" The agent that wasn't the pilot turns his head slightly, obviously catching me accidentally fall into a slumber.

"Yeah." I reply, widening my eyes forcefully.

"Just sleep then. We won't arrive for a while and I don't think Flynn would be happy if you were to fall asleep on the job, even if it is tomorrow." He explains and I nod.

"Okay." He gives me a grin before going back to facing forward.

My eyes close willingly and I am swept away to a dreamland within a minute or so.

Friday 23rd March 2007

"Patience?" I hear a voice call my name and I stir before my eyes snap open to find the other agent standing nearby.

The helicopter had landed in a deserted area and it was still, the surroundings were pitch-black reflecting the sky.

"What time is it?" I ask, puzzled.

"Two minutes past midnight." He answers and my eyes widen.

"How long was I asleep? Jesus." I mutter and he chuckles.

Escapade [harry styles au]Where stories live. Discover now