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Time and Date - Unknown

My eyes were closed for as long as I can remember; which could have been seconds or even possibly minutes. I couldn't recall. The only thing I could recall was how rapid everything happened. It felt like a dream, a panic-filled dream.

I hesitantly opened my glossy eyes.

People would say that sometimes you didn't feel the pain of something until minutes later due to shock. I must have been shot three times - that was the only explanation that came to my mind.

My eyesight was incredibly blurry for a few seconds before I lay my eyes on the view before me.

A gasp escapes me as I view the lifeless bodies of Louis, Ashton and Noah sprawled on the floor. Each with bullet wounds in their heads.

My hands were shaking as I peer down to quickly scan my own body. No, I hadn't been shot anywhere. I glance back up to see Zayn still stood near me, amongst the dead bodies, with worry and panic flashing on his facial features. His eyes were on the doorway of the room. I go from looking at Zayn to gazing to the doorway where he was peering.

My heart skipped a beat and the end of my mouth twists up in delight at the sight.

There he was; my saviour, my Harry.

His hands were clutching a pistol and he looked like he was out of breath. My tired eyes bored into his, though he was more focused on the last remaining target. Everything began to speed up as I helplessly watched from the leather seat.

In a matter of seconds, another shot rings through the air and I expect to see Zayn enter his final downfall.

But I don't.

I knew this was all too good to be true.

Harry's face flashes with pain and sorrow before he collapses to his knees, one hand holding his stomach. "No!" I scream out in horror as I peer to Zayn, him standing behind Louis's pistol. My body thrashes around but the straps limited my movement.

Before Zayn does anything more, Harry uses the last of his energy to swiftly shoot him in the head before dropping the gun and falling from the position on his knees to lying on his back. Zayn quickly drops to the floor beside Louis but I didn't care anymore that he had died.

I only cared about the man who had saved my life, whom I cared about more than anything.

A groan escapes me as I forcefully move against the straps, they were hurting against my arms but I dismissed the pain. When they were a little looser, I used my hands that were still attached to each other to get into my vest. I pull the knife that belonged in the vest out and awkwardly cut the rope around my hands before finally being freed by the knife from the straps also.

My quick heartbeat was ringing in my ears like a countdown. My actions were rushed and hurried as I clambered off of the chair, feeling weak, as I moved towards the only person alive that I cared for.

"Harry!" I call to him as I drop down to him, his eyes find mine immediately. His face showed concern, but it wasn't for himself. No, the concern was for me.

"Patience, are you okay?" He mutters out to me, his breath becoming sparse.

"I'm fine, Harry, but you're not." I shakily comment and his hand reaches out to hold my cheek comfortingly. He wipes the tears that were leaving my eyes. I peer down to find blood leaking onto the floor from Harry and I begin to cry harder.

He sighs before moving his hand to my chin, tilting my head away from the sight of his blood because of my discomfort.

"I came here to save you." He says, his eyes becoming more and more visibly tired by the second.

"And you did." I reply, my weeping making it difficult to say anything clearly. "I need to get help. You're going to die."

He ignores my statement before stating, "I love you." His body moves up slightly so that he is leaning against the wall behind him. My breathing is ragged and my sobs could probably be heard from miles away.

"I love you, Harry, so much; more than you know." I cry to him and he looks filled with sorrow. His eyes still look as though they are admiring my features, despite his sadness.

"Kiss me, Patience." He commands and I waste no time in leaning to connect our lips in a deadly, desperate embrace.

The kiss leaks with passion, being rapid but oh so lustful. Our lips danced like they usually did, moulded like they belonged together as my warm tears still ran down my reddened cheeks. My hands held tightly onto his arms, never wanting to let go of this bitter sweet moment.

I feel his lips slowly come to a halt and a final gasp of air is felt from them as I pull away. His shining, emerald eyes flutter closed after I had leaned away from him and his small smile begins to fade. He was becoming unconscious.

"Shit! Harry, wake up!" I cry to him while fumbling desperately with his jacket. My hands find his receiver and I hold it to my mouth after clicking the button.

"Hello, Agent 21, you call-" The agent at the other end began to speak but I hastily interrupted.

"Get here and help Harry! He's losing blood and he's unconscious! I don't want to lose him, please just get here as quickly as you can." I ramble into the receiver while trying to control my breathing. I didn't care for using our agent numbers anymore, he was a person, and he was a wonderful person.

"Okay, okay, keep calm; we are tracking your location now." He replies and I feel myself panic while viewing the limp body beside me.

I hated seeing lifeless bodies but I never thought that it would once be Harry's. My throat clenches at the thought of the last person I love leaving me.

I had lost everybody. This couldn't happen again.

"Hurry." I reply and throw the receiver on the floor next to me as I rapidly sit back next to Harry on the floor and hold him in my arms. I sob into his shirt in pain and anguish.

My only focus was on his beautiful last breaths.

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