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SCOTT wanted to kill Javi

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SCOTT wanted to kill Javi. Why? Because he'd given Eli the AUX chord as they drove for two hours searching for a storm. And she only played one of two things — Taylor Swift and the 'Glee' cast. It made him want to tear his hair out.

Not to mention she'd beaten him to the goddamn front seat again.

So, he was forced to sit in the back, listening to music he didn't care for, forced to smell Elianna's sweet-scented perfume as the air conditioning blew it back in his face, a constant reminder of her presence even when she wasn't obnoxiously singing along.

Not to mention she forwent literally every single safety procedure that they had set in place. When a tornado touched down and they drove after it, she unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned out the window to film it on her phone.

"My friends are gonna think this is killer!" she shouted when Scott told her to get inside.

"You have friends?" he asked bitterly. "Shocking."

That earned an elbow in the gut from Javi.

Then, when they reached the spot where they were going to set down the PAR, she wouldn't wear the safety goggles.

"You look stupid, Scott," Eli had said when Scott offered her a pair. Then she'd jumped out without a care in the world about the safety of her eyes, helping Javi get the PAR set up.

Clearly though, the storm had put Eli in a perky mood, which worsened Scott's because that meant she teased him more and more. She called him names like Clark Kent and Hayden Christensen to make fun of his looks and called him a nerd any time he mentioned the data — as if she wasn't also a nerd that understood every word he said.

That's what he disliked most about her, he was certain.

Because Elianna was so fucking smart, so why did she act like that? Why was she always laughing and joking around and teasing him? Why couldn't she take anything seriously?

Why wouldn't she take him seriously?

But then Scott quickly reminded himself that he didn't care what Eli thought of him.

Just like now. He didn't care as he hung out with Javi in the parking lot of the motel they were staying at. He didn't care that she wasn't with them. He didn't care that she was fifty feet away, right in his line of sight, lying out on a lounge chair and soaking up the mid-day sun since there were no storms. He didn't care about the way her red swimsuit hugged the curve of her chest and showed off her short legs.

And Elianna had no clue he was staring behind his sunglasses. She was too busy calling her dad, wanting to tell someone about the cool tornado they'd run into earlier that day.

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