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Newt, Nick, Minho and Thomas walked into the Med-jack hut. After the girl had come up it took a long time to calm everyone down but they managed. 

Alby was strapped down in the corner of the hut shivering and coughing, he hadn't woken up yet. Nick was barely even involved with everything, sure she was physically there but her mind was focused on the cure. 

“Jeff, what's going on?” Newt asked as they reached the sleeping girl, “What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?” 

“Hey man, I got my job the same way you did.” Jeff stood on the opposite side of the girl. 

Newt turned to look at Thomas who was staring at the girl. “Well, do you recognise her?” 

“No.” Thomas shook his head. 

‘Lie. He’s looking at her like Gally did to him.’ 

“Really? Because she seems to recognise you.” 

Newt was getting irritated at the lack of answers. Since Alby was out he was in charge and Nick had barely been responsive since the Gathering. He was worried to say the least. 

“What about the note?” Jeff asked. 

“Yeah we’ll worry about the note later.” 

“I think you should worry about it now.” Thomas looked away from the girl. 

“We’ve got enough to deal with at the moment.” 

“He’s right, Newt.” Jeff spoke, “If the box isn't coming back up how long do you think we’ll last?” 

“No one said that. Let's not jump to any conclusions. We’ll just.. We’ll wait until she wakes up and sees what she knows. Someones gotta have some answers around here.” 

‘The box isn't coming back up but we can't tell the others.’

The boys all looked over at Nick who had left Clint’s side to stand by Alby. Normally she had the answers. She was holding his hand and her eyes were searching his body trying to figure out how long he had left. 

“Okay.” Thomas muttered. 

He walked over to Nick pulling her towards the huts exit but she shoved his hand off her. 

“Where exactly do you think we are going?” Nick asked, irritation laced in her tone. 

“Back into the Maze.” 

She was the first out the room, Thomas following. She had a theory about if the Grievers have the virus, then maybe they have the cure. If there was a chance she could go back in the Maze to check the theory out she was taking it. 

Minho jogged out after them, “Hey Thomas, hey hey come on.” He stopped Thomas from walking and pulled Nick back. “What is it with you? Do you have a death wish? You just got out and you want back in?”

“Newt said no ones ever seen a Griever and lived to tell about it except Nick but no ones ever killed one till today, right? Now Minho we have one. You're telling me you're not even a little curious?”

“Not really, no.” 

Thomas shook his head and began to walk again, Nick looked back at the hut but when she went to walk Minho stopped them again. 

“What's your plan huh? Gonna go in there and dissect it by yourself? Bringing Nick along so you have a death wish buddy?”

That made Nick send him a glare and she went to speak but Thomas beat her to it. 

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