Kiss the ring

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A funeral is then held on Themyscira for the fallen. The Amazons look at the cremation pyres with Diana holding her mother's hand. Donna and Nessie send their respects with Artemis, Mala and Kasia following. Diana sits besides Becca's pyre for hours. The phone Becca gave to Artemis then receives a voice message from Steve

Steve's voice message [black screen] "Diana, I heard what happened to Becca... I'm sorry. I.... she was beloved in our team and there are now words for this loss. Artemis informed us about what happened on this phone, as you know, Becca had another one here after giving a couple to your people to bridge this connection. I wanted to talk to you but I got no answer so I hope this voice message finds you. We located Poison's new base. It is in the valley of the Pontic Mountains in Turkey, miles away from the battlefield. We have a team on the way to extract her but it did not feel right to keep you in the dark. You defended your home bravely so take time to rest, I will personally ensure Poison is brought to justice"

Poison is in her base trying to pack up till the blind Diana storms in

Poison "We meet again"

Diana grabs her and slams her to a wall

Diana "You..."

Poison "Struggling to get your words out princess? Your fianceé is a dead woman, you lost your eyesight, you will never be the same! This is how I felt when you took Ares from me"

Poison spits on Diana's face and gets punched in the stomach

Diana "I told you you'd meet justice, you are a soulless ghoul who does not deserve an inch of fresh air. What you did to this world is punishable by death, what you did to me is something I can never forgive. You have no compassion and you do not deserve any of mine!"

Diana is then held back by Hippolyta

Hippolyta "Diana, do not do this. Do not stoop to this evil's level"

Diana "But..."

Hippolyta "Allow me daughter"

Poison "Ahh look at the queen of Themyscira who lost her future daughter-in-law and is now dealing with a scarred baby girl!"

Hippolyta "Justice has prevailed despite the losses. You tried to take over this world and my home yet failed. The evil has been defeated and truth has won. The Amazons have looked after Mother Earth for centuries and we will continue to do so"

Hippolyta wraps the Lasso around Poison

Hippolyta "You wish to be with Ares but you will never even see him in your dreams for I am sending you to a different place. The deep depths of Hell! Alongside the other evil, you belong there! This will be your punishment. No easy way out, no attempt to prevent this. Ares avoided this by killing himself but I will not give you this option- you will suffer for eternity wishing I killed you or wishing for the goddesses to govern your fate"

A hole opens beneath Poison and she is chained to the floor

Hippolyta "This is how Ares went out and was stuck there for centuries. The goddesses will see to it personally that your sentence and punishment won't even kiss the idea of leniency!"

Poison then screams as she sinks to the ground. Diana then whimpers and is hugged by her mother. They return to Themyscira and Diana sits on her bed. Hippolyta slowly walks in

Hippolyta "How are you doing sweetheart?"

Diana does not answer and Hippolyta drops her face

Diana "You promised me Becca would thrive. You spoke of visions where she was an Amazon and had the life she deserved. But her journey was cut short, she gave everything for this world, for me and for Themyscira yet she paid the price the evil should have. I failed to protect her, it is because of me she is dead"

Hippolyta ""

Diana "How could you say false promises to your own daughter? The goddesses failed her despite everything she did to them! My angel is dead, she..."

Hippolyta "Please Diana, do not blame your mother. I too share this grief of yours"

Diana "I'm sorry, I'm sorry mother I..."

Hippolyta hugs her daughter and kisses her cheek

Diana "How can I continue? I lost my sight, I lost my guide and my motivation. Becca was not just my angel, she was Earth's"

Hippolyta "Who says you need to continue being Wonder Woman? The past few years, you gave great service to the world- more than anyone else, including me. You established your ideals, made humanity better and liberated them from evils. I am confident that if you decided to retire and stay here with me, they would accept that decision. But I feel you have your own thoughts, so know this, whatever you decide to do, I will support you as Queen and mother. Themyscira is always your home and we will always be here for you. The passing of Becca cut me deep as is seeing you blind but you keep my head up high"

Diana smiles and hugs her mother "I love you"

Diana then stands on her balcony and rubs her hands. She feels her ring and brings it close to her face. Memories of Becca play in her head and she smiles 

Diana "My angel"

Diana kisses the ring and guides herself to her wardrobe. She feels the Wonder Woman outfit and takes it. The scene cuts to a dark alleyway where a few thugs surround a woman

Thug "Who's gonna save yer lass? Wonder Woman has been absent for days and rumors say she has been blinded with her fiancee now a dead woman? She ain't comin' back"

A tiara throw then knocks the thug out and Diana is seen on a rooftop

Thug 2 "Holy **** its Wonder Woman"

Diana lands and squares up to the gang despite her eyes being blinded

Thug 3 "You can't do nothing Wonder Woman? You can't even see us"

Diana "Perhaps it's a good thing I do not have to be burdened with your looks"

The thugs surround her but Diana defeats them with ease. She then helps the young woman up

Young woman "Thank you Wonder Woman, my hero"

Diana nods "Stay safe sister"

Wonder Woman: The Battle For Truth (Part 6)Where stories live. Discover now