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Minho had dragged Nick along with him and Thomas to the Deadheads. For some reason he wanted her with him for whatever he was going to show Thomas in the Map room. 

“Where are we going?” Thomas asked for the second time. 

“You’ll see.” Minho replied. 

Finally after a few more minutes of walking they reached the Map room. Nick opened the door pushing it wide so the two boys could get through. 

The map of the Maze that was on the table was covered by a large cloth. It was a precaution they took incase someone was wandering around the Deadheads for some reason and looked inside. 

Thomas looked around at the wooden pieces on the walls with numbers scribbled on them. Each number represents a section and there are eight sections. 

Nick and Minho had spent many nights in the Map room trying to figure out a pattern and slowly they found it. Although you wouldn't be able to tell that from the scribbles unless it was explained. 

Minho pulled the cloth off the table revealing the complete Maze. The three of them leaned on the edges of the table looking down at it. 

“It's the Maze.” Minho sighed, “All of it.” 

“What do you mean ‘all of it’?” Thomas looked between the two of them, “I thought you were still mapping it.” 

“That's what we want them to believe.” Nick spoke up, “But in reality there's nothing left to map.” 

“I've run every inch of it myself.” Minho carried on, “Every cycle, every pattern. If there was a way out we would have found it by now.” 

“Why haven't you told anyone about this?” Thomas asked. 

“Nick and Alby made the decision.” He looked at Nick whilst walking round to Thomas’ side.  

“People needed to believe we had a chance of getting out.” She sighed, “But maybe now we have a chance with this.” 

Nick handed Thomas the device so he could get his first proper look at it. 

“Take a look at this.” Minho pointed at the map, “About a year ago we started exploring these outer-sections. We found these numbers painted on the walls. Sections one through eight. See the way it works is everynight the Maze changes it opens up a new section.” 

“Today section six is open.” Nick pointed to it, “Then tomorrow four, then eight then three. The pattern always stays the same.” 

“So what's so special about seven?” Thomas ran his thumb over the number. 

“I don't know.” Minho started walking towards Nick, “But last night when those two Grievers were killed. Section seven was open. I think it must be where it comes from. Tomorrow me, you and Nick are going to take a closer look.” 

They all turned towards the door that was still open as Clint and Jeff appeared in a rush. Nick quickly moved in front of the door blocking their view of the map. 

“What are you two doing here?” She asked, “You know you’re not allowed here.” 

“Sorry.. It's just um..” Jeff caught his breath. 

“It's the girl.” Clint blurted out. 

“Is she awake?” Thomas stepped next to Nick. 

“You could say that.” Clint smiled at Jeff. 

The five of them ran back out the Deadheads and over to the loud commotion of yelling boys. 

“Chuck what's going on?” Thomas asked the laughing boy. 

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