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Delaney's POV.

I stared at Dominik, waiting for some form of response. The longer he took to respond, the more I began to second guess what I was doing. I began thinking if I was making the right choice, giving into the undeniable feelings that were growing for him. I began replaying the last couple months, the lying and stalking. But then I couldn't help but to reflect on all the comfort he brought, granted it was comfort that was needed because of his actions, it was still comfort and security, nonetheless. I thought about what Demi would do, how she would react to finding out that I so easily gave in to Dom. The feelings I had were overwhelming, screaming in my mind and pounding their way through my skull. 

"Laney..." He finally breathed out, pulling me from my spiraling thoughts. "I figured you would've realized by now, that I am not going anywhere." He stated simply, his eyes locked on mine. "What I feel for you as literally drove me to the point of insanity." 

We both laughed softly at the jab at himself. From an outsider's perspective, none of this would make sense. But I didn't care, in this moment the only thing that mattered was Dom. All the stress, all the worry and all the pain had disappeared the moment he held me once again. 


A few hours had passed, and I was now back in the Judgment Days locker room once again. Dominic and I had decided it was best to lay low for a while, or at least try to. Everyone was excited to see me back, and I didn't want to ruin that moment by admitting to them I was falling hard for the man who had caused me so much trouble the past couple months. 

However, when it came time for me to get Dominik ready for the group's appearance tonight, the tension was palpable. Damian stood behind me like a behemoth guard dog, watching Dom's every move, balling his fists every time Dom so much as took a sharp breath. It was all becoming too much and was really beginning to screw with my work. 

"Hey D, do you think you could let up a little?" I finally asked, glancing at him over my shoulder. His eyes stayed trained on Dominik; his teeth gritted together.

"Not a chance." He muttered in response. I let out a huff and looked around the room for some back up, only to realize Finn, JD, and Demi were giving Dominik equally as intimidating looks. 

"Alright." I sighed heavily, slamming the products I had in my hand down on the table next to us before standing up. "Guys, that's enough. Really." I stated, looking at the other four.

"'s fine." Dom said softly, reaching out to grab my hand to bring me back down.

"Hey! Don't fucking touch her!" Demi shouted, stomping towards us with intent. 

"Demi, stop!" I shouted, catching everyone off guard. "All of you, stop. I can't work if you all you're going to do is hover over me and wait for Dom to give you a reason to beat him up again!" I huffed. "News flash he isn't going to!" 

"Oh really? Did you just happen to forget everything he's put you through?" Demi asked, annoyed with me clearly. 

"Of course, no-"

"You really think he won't do it again? You really think he's cha-"

"Stop it!"

"No Laney, you need to understand this is for your own protection." Finn interjected.

"I don't need protecting!" I defended. 

"Why? because he worked his way into your little mind again and convin-"

"No because I love him!" I yelled from the top of my lungs, abruptly. The second the words left my lips I threw a hand over my mouth, shocked at my own confession. It was the first time I had fully, truly, verbalized my feelings for Dom. The frustration of everyone attacking him, as well as being under the impression I couldn't handle myself, brought the confession out from the depths of my core, and now everyone knew the truth...including Dominic. Nervously I turned my head slowly and looked at hi, fearful of what his reaction might be. Maybe he was having second thoughts about his feelings, realizing now all the drama a potential relationship between us could bring. How long would it take for my sister and our friends to move past what he had done?  Would they ever? Would we ever be able to be truly happy together if no one was going to accept us? 

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