AAArgh! Monday !! 

I pulled the sheets over my head .. Why did  the sun have to rise so early .. 

No way I am going for school today  .. After all that happened yesterday , the prom , Bruce everything and yes ofcourse .. Don't forget my whole-night-up talking with George .. Last night was bitter sweet, literally! Bitter at first then sweet .  

I felt sick ..

I pushed myself up from my bed . I had to tell mom I was not well .. Last time i had stayed up this late was when my cousins came over . I felt sleep deprived , weak and drowsy all at once . 

Mom and Dad were getting ready for office . My dad was a medical practitioner and Mom worked for some company . Frank was no where to be seen , left early i guessed . 

" Hey honey .. " My mom said chunking down a glass of milk , her back was turned towards me .I guess she heard me come down .. 

"hey Mom.. " my voice cracked , i was not at all well . That's when my mom turned to face me .. 

" Your cereal... " she stopped as she saw that i was not dressed for school , I forced a smile .

"Oh dear .. Are you sick !?? " My Mom's voice was full of concern .. I nodded , Inside i was praying that she let me stay out from school today , I had my fingers crossed . 

" Umm.. You stay back then ..  You will feel better by tomorrow .. " 

YAAY!! Did i hear it right ?? Was she letting me stay ?? Way to go Frezzy !  I mentally cheered . My Mom might have noticed my sudden change of mood ..  so she asked 

" Umm.. Anything wrong ..?? " 

"Oh.. No !! " I again had the sick mode on " Just need some rest .. " I fake coughed .. 

" Well go back to bed then.. Me and your Dad will leave soon .. " She said as she cleared the sink .

I made my way upstairs .. 

" And yes .. Frezzy ..?? " 

Did she catch me smirking ? I mentally slapped myself as i turned around to face my mother again " Yes ??" 

" Frank is here too.. He has his day off today .. So yes , both of your food is in there " she said pointing to our refrigerator . " Make sure you eat on time ..  Bye now " 

She kissed me as she and Dad left home ..

I groaned .. Frank the idiot was here .. Why today out of all days ?? I was so glad  that i had the house to myself and now he's here too .. That Sucks ! 

Since he was not there for breakfast  it means he is still sleeping .. That's when an evil idea occured to me .. I smiled at the thought .. 

I filled a jug with ice cold water and made my way upstairs to Frank's room.. 

"Ankyyy.. wake up... Ankyy.. " I pulled the sheets from him .. 

"Wh-at Frezzyyy..  It's too early to gst up ... " his voice was full of sleep . He let out a moan and turned the other side . 

"Ankyyyyy... Gett upp.. " I was not ready to leave 

" Shut the hell up Frezzy .. Dont you have school .. Leave me Alone ... " He groaned again .

I pushed him , pulled his hair .. I did everything that i could but he seemed to be unaffected . 

" Ankyy.. You better get up .. Or i'm pouring this on you .. " I warned taking up the jug..

He stayed silent .. Asleep again .. 

" You asked for this .. " I smirked as i poured the ice cold water on my brother ..

" WH-At Th_e F * " He roared ..

" OOps !! " And i make my way out of the room.. 

" YOU ARE PAYING FOR THIS .. YOU LITTLE SMUT .. " Frank hollered as he quickly got out of bed  and rushed after me.. 

We ran all around the house . I threw things at him . That dint stop him .. If by chance someone would step into our house they would think both of us were out of our senses or something . 

You tell me . What would you think if you see a half naked boy , since frank had only his trunks on , and a girl both quite old running around the house like lunatics ?? 

I screamed my lungs out as Frank pushed me down .. And to my horror he started tickling me .. 

" O_ H Frank.. FRAN-k  .. " I was out of breath by now " Y-OU ARE Goi-NG TO KI-LL M-e " I somehow completed saying in between hysterical giggles ..

" Say You are sorry.. Say it " Frank retorted not ready to let go .. 

"Ok-ay ..  SO-R-Ry" I finally managed to say .

Frank stayed to his word . He got off me and smirked .

"You would have killed me you Moron.. ! " I nudged him . 

" That i wish " He smirked again .. 

I shook my head as i made my way to my room .. 

" Get yourself a bath .. You STINK " i called out to him from the top of the stairs .. I giggled as i heard Frank curse.. 

Whatever be , At the end of the day I loved my Brother . After all he was the only one who had stayed by me all these years . When we were younger Frank would look after me like a mom looks after her children.. He would even read me bed time stories . I laughed at the thought of the many silly things me and Anky did when we were younger .. We were crazy .. Mom always said that we should have been twins ..  I smiled to myself .. I loved my Brother . He was truly the best.






P.S - Above there is a picture of frank and Freca when they were younger ... Have a look :D 

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