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I never wanted Sunday to come ... It is the Prom night today !! It's been week since Bruce asked me to go with him.. I hope he forgets.. I dint wanna go , and worse , i still dint tell George.. 

Who am i kidding.. No way Bruce is going to forget.. After getting me to go with him .. , he surely wouldn't miss.. I sighed.. 

I lay back on my bed .. I looked over at the clock.. 10 am .. If you ask me .. it is early ... too early for a Sunday.. and here i am racking my brain about deciding whether to go along with Bruce or not .. This is hard ! 

Beep ! Beep ! 

george : mornin.. :)   I sighed again.. Should i tell him ..?? would he even care ?? What if he just says Oh nice ! I would be taken aback .. I wanted him to care .. more.. to be exact..

Me : mornin ..  I was so  much occupied with my thoughts.. finally , after a hell lot of thinking i decided to tell him .. But before i could , my phone beeped again . 

george : smthn u wanna tell me .. i feel smthn hanging in the air ;) 

George was always like this .. Suprising me about how i feel and what i was about to say  and all.. I was used to this now ! 

Me : u guessed it ryt !! :) 

george : :D i can read minds !! :P anyway wat is it ?? 

Me : lol :P umm yaa.. i hav a prom to go tonight .. 

george : Oh ! dats cool ... :D hu r u going wid ? not alone i persume ! 

Me : no .. I hav company.. Bruce is taking me ! ;) 

george : oh !! .. nw if u don mynd m a lil bsy .. tok to ya later .. 

Way to go Freca !! he just shoved you off !! And here i was thinking he would actually be jealous .. !! 

AArgh !! why am i so stupid !! Its just been a week !!! how can i expect him to be jealous !!  He doesn't even know me ! 

In the afternoon My phone beeped again ..  I rushed to it ! I waited for George's text to show up ! 

Oh Boy ! was i wrong ! On my phones screen was Bruce's message ! 

Bruce : be ready by 8! i 'll pick u up !! luking frward to see u :) :) :) 

I dint even feel like texting back .. Instead i kept  my phone aside.. I was not even in the slightest way excited .. In fact i felt horrible.. Horrible that i actually listened to Bruce !! 


The clock struck 8 and i groaned !! George still hadn't texted me and something felt wrong .. like really wrong !! 

Honk ! honk ! 

Woah ! this guy sure is on time ! i hate Perfectionists .. 

"Mom i 'm leaving !! bye " i closed the door behind me !.

" Have fun honey !! don't drink too much !! " My Mom called back .. How old does she think i am ? 5 ? And about the fun part .. I dint even want to go at the first place !! let alone the fun ! 

I sighed and walk towards Bruce's car ! He held the door open for me ! "thank you ! " i muttered ..        Such a gentle man ! I hate gentle men ! 

"You look  beautiful ! " Bruce commented , looking me head to toe .. 

" Not bad yourself !! " i said , trying my best to sound pleasant..   What else am i suppose to say !!? 

I leaned back in the plush leather seat ..and  imagined myself lying on my bed and texting George.. I wish this day went faster , so that i was back in bed and doing what i just imagined !  

God ! Was i wrong !!?? 

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