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The days went by ..

I groaned .. 

I just couldn't get the difference between the White blood cells . I looked at my phone for the hundredth time today . Guess who i was waiting for ? 

George  of course .. 

A month had passed and i just dint realize. Sometimes we text , sometimes we talk . And who knew 24 hours were this short !?  

September had come and everything around was so sweet since it was spring . I had my exams and i just have no idea what i will be writing . 

I tried it again .. Basophils , Eosinophils .. and what was that ?? nutellaphills!!?? 

"AArgh !!! " i pushed my book aside frustrated ..  Screw the exams .. I sighed . My only solace was George . I would text him , but God knows what we talk so much about ! 

And unfortunately , I told him about my exams and within a blink of an eye he had gone .. Now all i had was my books and i hate them . 

I was not a very bright student , that is i hated studying . Nevertheless i managed to secure an A for all the subjects . No ! don't you dare call me a nerd . It's just that they set easy papers .  All of us Grace , Stacy , Lola , Bruce ( I hate him though ! ) , Jake , Vivian .. Even Eric the lazy king scored straight A 'S .

That reminded me ! Bruce .. 

I had ignored him completely .. He would wait for me at my locker , hoping i would forgive him . But he was wrong ..he might be my best friend , or maybe WAS my best friend ., but that dint give him the right to do whatever he did . I dint want to think about that day again .. My insides would churn whenever memories of the prom passed my mind , and i hated it . 

George and me had a lot of bonding lately . We would talk through the night sometimes and i missed my bus like everyday . The tiniest of details about him surprised me . I was so shocked when he said he had refused his degree at Stanford ! Like who would do that ?? I asked him why and he said he was not happy .. 

He was the live in the moment guy while i stuck to logic . Sometimes we would fight over stupid stuff . But , i could never stay mad at him . It's like i have known him for ages , but sometimes i find myself thinking how he would be in person . How it would be to watch him talk  for real . Already he had me drooling over his voice . So , meeting him in person wouldn't be that bad . 

His green eyes were something that continued to fascinate me .. The emerald green .. Like i had seen this before . But , i never knew how , when or where .. 

Sometimes i would open my laptop click on his picture and zoom in the eyes . Of all that i liked about him , it were his eyes that captured me . They had this kindness and love like none i have ever seen . And yes the familiarity that i failed to remember .. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts with the beep of my phone . My heart pounded for a reason i dint know.

I opened the newly arrived text . And i knew why my heart had pounded .. 

george : done learnin ??? :O    i'm bored .. n sry if u haven't .. I just..umm.. u knw.. i ..                                                   aargh !! text me when u are done okay !! :) 

I laughed at George's cheekiness . I loved that he was so adorable .

 And i found myself texting back..... 

Forgetting all about what was happening around 

forgetting  what tomorrow had for me and

forgetting  if i will ever meet this guy on the other side ................

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