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School as usual went on . The eight of us looked forward for the breaks. The bell rang as Miss Raechel gathered her books and left class. I stood up and stretched . " Why are classes so boring !!!?? " Stacy groaned , sitting herself on my table . 

" I know right ! "  Lola agreed , chewing on the blue gum in her mouth . She always had something to chew on . Rarely would people see her without a gum in her mouth. 

"Mmm... not boring for all of us though ! " Bruce said fighting back a smile . 

" Oh ! so you find it interesting ! ? " i asked , playing with Graces hair . She , i had to admit , had the curliest of hairs , more like grape vine ! 

" No ! not me. I was talking about Eric ! " Bruce continued , " he passes time by gawking at Miss Raechel s bu** ! " Bruce finished , chewing on the gum Lola passed him . 

" Pervert !!! " Stacy and i said in unision . We ended up talking about how bad Miss Raechel looked today , earning loud protests from Eric .

Stop checking her out mate !! " Vivian said , playfully nudging Bruce by his arm . 

" I was not ! " Bruce turned a bright red.  That s when i even noticed that he was looking at me .  Bruce , it seems had a crush on me , but , i dint seem to return the feelings . No way i was falling for my best friend ! 

Soon the break was over and all of us settled back  . Miss Leona walked in , greeting us all with her pleasant smile . It seems hers was the only class we looked forward to ! She always had something interesting up  her sleeve .  

She started " So class , today we are going to learn about Romeo And Juliet !" . Many ' Awwws !! ' and hushed whispers followed . Miss Leona smiled knowingly .

 She continued " so assuming how interesting this subject is for you , lets see , what in your opinion is love !? No ! No mass answering , one at a time ..humm Eric , would you mind !? "

Eric stood up confused . " er.. me !!? oh ... um.. love.. umm... " . Eric always stammer when he is asked to explain something . " Love is S*x!! " he blurted out ! The whole class burst out laughing ! 

Miss Leona looked dumbfound . " So love is all about getting physical for you !!!?? " . Well .. yeah !! " Eric replied easily . 

" Hmm... Next .. lets see.. Freca !!?? ". Miss Leona called out my name .  I stood up not knowing what to say . "Well.. Love .. " i started . Just then my phone vibrated . "Oh Sh*t " i said out loud  , uncomfortable by the vibrating effect on my skin .

 Miss Leona looked up questioningly . " Just now eric says S** and now you too.. !! whats up with all the swearing !!?? " she finished angrily.  " Sorry mam ! i dint mean to ! " . Miss Leona shot me a death glare " Explain then !! ". 

" Well love in my opinion is purity .. " i stopped for a while, and then continued " It is what you see in your Mothers eyes ... It is the same thing , which you see  , when your brother shares a toffee with you .. and it is again what you see when you grab your friends lunch box ... " i stopped to look at my seven gems for life . " and finally .. it is the what  you see when that one perfect person holds your hand and says ' i m there for you !! ' " i finished . The class erupted with applause . 

"Well said Miss Zeus !! have your seat .. " Miss Leona said calling out my surname . The rest of the class went on peaceful , me earning scribbled up notes saying i did it well . I smiled in content . My smile dint last long , for my phone vibrated again . This time , i reached my pocket and switched its off .. " that s better " .. i said to myself .. 

By the end of the period Miss Leona had told us of how great a writer Shakespeare was and that his writings never die. All of us looked impressed .

 When the bell for lunch rang Lola exclaimed " Hats off .. Shakespeare !!!!" Miss Leona left , smiling in content that she was able to get something to us . 

The eight of us headed to the cafeteria .... 

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