Kpop imagines

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Its your birthday today and you were excited ro go to school. You arrived and everyone were congradulating you while you walk up to your class.

'Happy Birthday!'

your bestfriend, daehyun, scared you when you came into class

'Yah! You scared me.. Thanks btw. So .. Where is my present??'

you said while giving him you puppry dog eyes

'You have to wait until the day is over then you will get you present'

daehyun giggled then move away

Class started but you couldnt focus cause you were thinking of daehyun. You always liked him since you met him. But you were afraid that it will destroy your friendship. Anyway, daehyun have never disappoint you on your birthday. He always give you the best gifts.

Last year you want an autograft picture of you bias. And he gave you that for your birthday! You still dont know how he did that. In class you wondered what amazing present he will give you.

School ended and your friends pulled you to the cafeteria. You were blind folded. So you could walk properly. It was going to be a surprise. When you open your eyes...........

A birthday cake was there. Balloons everywhere. And a bunch of present on the side. You teared up.

'Ulgima! ulgima!'

( dont cry! Dont cry! )

your friends cheered.

You couldnt stop crying. You were so happy. All of your friends hugged you so that you wont cry.

All of your friends were there except daehyun. You wondered where is he?

Your friends broke the hugged and you heard daehyun calling your name.

'(Y/N)!' daehyun called

You turn around and you were surprise. You saw daehyun with a huge teddy bear and a helium balloon was attact to it it says

' Will you be my girlfriend?'

Your mouth opened wide.

'Is he confessing to me? Please be' you thought to yourselve

'You know (Y/N)-ah youre going to catch flies in your mouth'

daehyun giggled.

You close you mouth not realising it was still open and began to speak

' What is this?'

'A confession. I liked you since the day we met. and actually wanted to confessed sooner but i was scared that you might not like me that way. So i just wanted to let my feelings out. I love you ( Y/N ) - ah'

daehyun confessed

You hugged him

' I like you too. I so glad you confessed'

you smiled as you buried you face into his chest

Daehyun pulled away and kiss you forehead.

' Im glad that i did too' he hugged you back.

From that day on your guys became the lovey dovey couple that everyone is jealous of.


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