My dream

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Okay here is my dream about BAP. i just wanted to share it with you guys^_^

First i was at a bbq party with all of a my friends.  There was alot of people there

(i dont know why)

Suddenly BAP was there.(Freaks out >o<)

Then i saw jongup and zelo dancing, daehyun was eating. (of course) The rest were just walking around talking.

Than little by little time goes by, it was just me and the BAP members. Then suddenly got a big black van coming our way. When we saw that we didnt actually bother it because like who cares right.

But right then jongup say "Guys how long does it take to take a picture?"

We turn and heard yongguk say 'oh no'. We panic . I was still at a dazed. I didnt know what to do. Youngjae shouted "RUN" and zelo was the first one to go. Seeing how dazed i am, daehyun grab my hand and we ran together hand in hand.

(fangirling here)

After that daehyun brought me to somewhere near the beach like that. We took deep breath but when we realise we were still holding hands we let go.

* didnt want to :'*

I blushed and i think he did too. suddenly he got nearer to me and thennn……………

i woke up -.- 

i had to go to the bathroom. Curse my tiny bladder!!

Anyways tell me what you guys think. What did daehyun wanted to do??

i have alot of senarios in my head but i wanted to ask you guys. If you had this dream who do you want it to be and what do you want him to do??? Feel free to comment below!

right now its 6.38 am. Im on my way to school. i wish i could just skip today. So damn tired!:( First period is physical education dont get me wrong i love this subject but i just dont want to get sweatty early in the morning. i have other subjects later on and im gonna be smelly like ewwwwwww.... Okay pardon me for my grossness. Have a nice wonderful educationny day in school!!

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