yongguk imagine

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"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!!" you screamed. You woke up from that horrible dream. Your face was all full of sweats. You chest was palpilating as you breathe heavily. Droplets stream down your face. Everyday you dream that same dream. Waking up early in the morning, shouting like there is no tomorrow. But it didnt felt like a dream, It was more like a lost memory from your past...

You went to school with eyebags and dark circles that could reached your feet. It was so long since you had a good night sleep. You just wished that you could enjoy just one night without having that horrible dream again. You arrived in your classroom with a tired looking face.You didnt bother that others were staring at you. You sat down at your table and lie your head down. Closing your eyes shut as you wanted at least bit of sleep.

School went by like a breeze since you slept almost half of the time. It was almost 7pm and you cant wait to go back home. Hunching your back and slowly you drag your feet.

"hey pretty girl. Wanna play with oppa?" a scary husky voice creeped in your ears. you could feel the shiver down your spine. You started walking faster and faster.

" EYYY She is getting away! Get her!" After you heard that last two words you ran for your life. As you were running through the dark alley, the bad guys were still chasing you.

You shouted, "AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!!" suddenly all that you dreamt came true. You screaming for you life. But in your dream you didnt know what will happen next. As your head was spinning, you trip and landed on the ground full of old newspapers.

" Ah finally you gave up. I was getting pretty tired from chasing you. You can ran quite fast huh pretty girl." The bad guys slowly catch their breath as they as they went closer to you.

'This is it' You thought. You shifted back agaisnt the wall and you covered you face. Waiting for it to happen. But second has passed do dont feel a thing. Odd. You uncovered your eyes and there stood the bad guys lying on the ground,lifeless. Also your hero was there looking down at the bad guys sweeping off dust from his hands. You look at him with your sparkling eyes. He smiled at you.

He slowly came nearer to you and offered you his hand. You flinched back but gladly accept it. You stood up slowly trying to get this situation in your system.

"Hey.. th..thanks for helping me." you finally uttered a sentence.

"No problem. It was nice seeing you again."

he answered.

"Again? You kn..know me?" you questioned him.

" Yea i have known you since a long time ago. Still stuttering i suppose haha" he gave out a small laugh at the end.

" You expect me to believe you? i dont remember anything." you said starting to get annoyed.

" Of cource you dont. Try to remember. Did any kind of incident happened like this to you before?" he smiled at you.

You suddenly thought of the dream that you have been having. You were suspicious. How did he know? Is he the one who could tell you why you those dreams. Or was your dream a dream or a lost memory?? Questions start to fill up your mind.

"How did you.." you turn to look at him but he was gone. You turn left and right,no one, no body was there. You sighed you slowly walk back home trying to forget this whole incident.

You threw your bag agaisnt the wall and crashed on you bed. Finally time to sleep.

" Lysya-ya!!"

"Yongguk oppa! Here!"

"Ohh im glad you are safe."

"Oppa im scared."

"Dont worry. I will protect you. I promise."

You woke up in the middle of the night again. You forehead filled with sweat.

"Yongguk oppa?" you asked yourselve. the guy in your dream looks so much alike from the guy you just met. Now you are really curious about who that guy you just met really is.

Hey guys!!!! hahah cliff hanger!! i have always wanted to do a story like this. Vote for this story if you guys want a part two. i hope i wrote it well. sorry if there is grammar mistakes and any other mistakes  forgive me:((

oh and i am really sorry i didnt update in a super long time. Its  been like a  month i think. i am so sorry:((

I got family bussiness to take care off. School and other shitty stuff that i have to do.  Hing~

and also worst part of all. My wattpad crashed!! i couldnt update or read books in 2 weeks and all that i have save gone. Gone down the drain. im so saddd.:((

well this is part of life. we have to accept it even how suckish it can be. So it 11.06 pm here. and im damn sleeppy so bye bye see you on the next update !!!!!

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