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Minho flicked Nick on the head, “Get up.” When she didn't wake up he continued flicking her head. “Get up, get up, get up!” 

“What!” Nick groaned, shoving him away. 

“It's time to explore in the Maze so get off Newtie.” He smirked with his hands on his hips. 

“Whatever.” She snuggled back into Newt, “I'll meet you by the Maze doors.” 

“You better!” Minho called as he left the room. 

“You can't sleep forever, love.” Newt mumbled, keeping his eyes closed. 

“I know.” She sighed looking at him, “Make sure Gally doesn't kill anyone whilst we’re gone.” 

Nick climbed off him wrapping her jacket around her waist and putting the Griever leg on her arm. Newt opened his eyes, watching her with a smirk. 

“Will do.” He sat up in his hammock, “Make sure Tommy doesn't get you three killed.” 

“Will do.” She smiled and walked out the room. 

Once she reached the doors Minho and Thomas were already standing there. Thomas looked like he was going to explode any moment from nerves whilst Minho was smirking. 

“You look like klunk, Greenie.” Nick smirked. 

Thomas rubbed his hands over his face with a frown, “So i've been told.” 

The Maze began rumbling as the door got ready to open, the two looked at Thomas who was shaking his head slightly and taking deep breaths. 

“Let's go.” Minho ran into the Maze as soon as the doors opened.

“Come on Greenie.” Nick clapped him on his back and sprinted after Minho. 

A wide grin fell onto her face, she loved running almost as much as she loved creating things. It made her feel free and in the Maze it felt even better as there was always a fear of being trapped. 

The feeling wasn't really there anymore though after spending a night in the Maze. There was always the chance that she wouldn't survive if she got trapped in there for another night but that didn't matter. 

It was the excitement, the frill of fear, the adventure. Or maybe she was just mentally ill. Either way she didnt care she was just enjoying the feeling whilst she could. 

“This way. Not much further to the inner ring.” Minho looked behind them to check Thomas was still there, “Come on.” 

They continued running through the larger area of the Maze where the sections were. They passed through sections five and six that were both closed just like they were supposed to be. 

Nick stopped running when they reached section seven and Minho skidded to a stop beside her. 

“That's strange..” Minho muttered. 

“What?” Thomas asked, pulling to a stop next to them. 

“Seven isn't supposed to be open for another week.” Nick told him. 

The three of them walked inside past the wall with a large seven on it in red. Instead of being closed like it was supposed to be, the section was wide open. 

“What the hell is this place?” Thomas looked around. 

They walked past the large things that they called blades. They were named that because they were the larger version of them, just less sharp and more rusty. 

“We call them blades.” Nick ran her hand over one of them. 

Minho crouched down picking up a blood stained vest top next to some ripped trousers. Thomas crouched next to him whilst Nick placed her hand on his shoulder. 

Inventing Love ♡Newt♡ Where stories live. Discover now