Chapter 12

386 44 12

July 20th 2016
Houston TX

I'm currently on my way back from getting Bey some Spicy ramen from the ramen place she loves so much. Bey hates when I drive far to get her food, but it's only like 20 minutes from the house, and the food is worth the drive. 

If I'm being honest, I would drive a whole hour to get Bey a craving if she asked. It's like I can't help but just want to make her happy. Watching her smile makes me feel all tingly inside, and I just can't help it. 

I was talking to Lani and Vic about it, and they said they think I have a crush on Bey. I denied it so hard, but they said that they felt the exact same way about each other when they first met. Though I didn't want them to be right, I think they are. 

I find myself thinking about her often, worrying if her and the baby are ok, staring at her pretty face, getting lost in her hazel eyes. No matter how much I try, I can't seem to shake the feelings I have when she's around. 

I love when she just comes into my room to cuddle and watch anime, or when she will sit on the floor and rest her head on my leg when I'm playing the game. I love when she laughs at my jokes or just laughs in general, and when she does a little happy dance when I bring her food. I hate it when she cries, or when she's hard on herself because to me she is so perfect. I just think she is so cute. 

I doubt she has feelings for me though because she isn't gay, but I really wish she did. Even if she was gay though, I would be too scared to ask her out in fear of losing our friendship, and at some point, she would find out my secret and probably think I'm some sort of freak and hate me. So, it's probably best that I keep my feelings to myself. 

I made it to the house and immediately ran upstairs to Bey's room with our food. When I got there, she wasn't in there so I'm guessing she was laying on my bed like she tends to do when I'm not at the house. I walked to my room and there she was watching anime on my tv. I've really got her hooked on this stuff. I've been rewatching episodes with her so that she can catch up, and we are currently watching Naruto. 

"I'm back" I say, and she sits up and does her little food dance. 

"Yay" she cheers. I go and sit on my bed next to her, and hand her, her food. 

"Thank you" she says, giving me a hug. 

"Anything for you" I smile at her, and I see her blush a little. She's adorable. I take my food out the bag and Bey un-pauses the show, before we both start digging in.

1 hour later

"Oh my God just beat him up already" Bey says to the tv. I laugh at how engaged she is to the show. 

I was currently laying on her lap drawing circles on her belly. Bey got hot so she took off her shirt, so I've just been messing with the baby as she watches, since I've already seen this episode. 

"Your mommy is really into the show huh Blueberry, you seem to like it to" I hear Bey laugh as I talk to her belly. It really is one of my favorite things to do, and I just love to talk to and rub on her belly. 

"I can't wait to meet you so we can do our handshake in person" I say kissing her belly. I came up with a little handshake that I basically do with Bey's stomach. She tends to let me do whatever I want with her belly, and she's never complained about me touching her belly, so I just continue to do it. I might paint her belly one day. 

"You're gonna be so cute Blueberry, and we're gonna have so much fun, and annoy your mommy, cause we're best friends, ain't that right" I hear Bey laugh, making me laugh too. 

"Your mommy is laughing at us, and that's not very nice. We should give her a piece of our minds" I place my hand on her stomach, and to my surprise I feel this really strong kick right to my hand. 

"Ow" I hear Bey whine, and that means I wasn't trippin. I sit up and look at Bey with wide eyes, still keeping my hand on her stomach. She was also looking at me with wide eyes. 

"Bey, the baby just kicked" I say excitedly. 

"I know, that's the first time I've felt the baby kick" she says, and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. 

"Omg, maybe Blueberry will do it again for me" I say excitedly. 

"Go, try again" I place Bey's hand where mine was, and put mine on top of hers. 

"Blueberry, can you kick for mommy, she said she was really sorry for laughing at us" I talk to her belly, and not even five seconds later, the baby kicks again. 

"I felt it! The baby kicked my hand" Bey says excitedly wiping her tears. 

"Good job baby" I talk to the baby, caressing Bey's belly softly. I look up at Bey and wipe away the stray tears. I can't believe this just happened. What a special moment. 


Short but sweet chapter. Megan driving far just to get Bey food. Megan has finally come to terms with her growing feelings for Bey. The baby kicked for the first time for Megan. Do y'all think the baby likes Megan more? Do y'all think Megan will ever confess her feelings? Do y'all think those feelings will be reciprocated? What do y'all think Megan's secret is? Leave a comment and I hope y'all enjoyed.




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